Why do ESLs love this show?

Why do ESLs love this show?

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how does Zig Forums feel about this video?


> Why do people that know more than one language appreciate good humor?
Dunno. Maybe their intelligence is just higher than yours

It's good

You have to be braindead or a spic to find this shit funny.

Maybe because its actually a good fucking show.
I cant speak for spics but i am literally English and i love this show

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Zig Forums doesn't know enouh jp to understand it.

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Best isekai

Aussie here. Every post with a picture of Aqua or Megumin attached is invariably made by a spic.

Why do ESLs love anime?

> 10 minutes to explain that Megumin speaks like a chuuni retard
Still, an interesting video though

and it got killed, season 3 never, books fuced to push pedobait merch, open ending

what is esl? English as a Second Language?

Imagine knowing only one language.


I don't

Yes. Zig Forums is sadly full of them now.

ESLs love anime in general and Konosuba is a tremendously popular anime

You do know anime is made by ESLs for ESLs

>roughly 90lb

God I want to smash an ESL right in the FUCKING FACE

The title at the top right has konosuba colors

Im sorry, but what does that have to do with Konosuba? Are people so bored that they are desperate to get mad at..... something? So they make shit up?

Zig Forums always had a lot of them, you just weren't able to spot them as easily. Apparently there has been a big influx.

You know how certain insults just sort of show up one day and people seem to be tripping over their dick to force them into any context or conversation until it loses its original meaning? If you have been here for a couple of years you'll know what I am talking about.

ESL is just another ones of those. Some people think its trigger or clever or something, and they'll keep saying it until some other shiny buzzword catches their eye.

Don't read too much into it. Looking for actual meaning here is just a waste of your time and energy.

you speak the truth, thanks user

what is this new cope that americans/brits/aussies have come up with? yes we have brains capable of learning more than one language becuase we aren't introverted retards

What's esl?

1. Kazuma is a "good" self-insert
2. lolsorandumb humor
3. bright colours and cute girls

It's like why Fast and Furious movies are so popular with ESL and poor people. Fast car go vroom.

Why do EOP feel they are allowed to like anime?

Why monolangual brainlets dont?

The high IQ of the megumind illustrated.

We don't love it, we like it because it's funny

>Why do ESLs love this show?
Its more to do whit ship fags destroying the fun then much else.
case in point

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