Could an anime adaptation work?

Could an anime adaptation work?

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wit studio could do it

fate exists

*pre-fire kyoani


What's it about?

A western 2d animation feature like Fantasia that basically just is a narrator reading the book with animations to go with it could work. Sadly something like that being made in the current landscape is impossible.

There has never been a good adaptation of Tolkien. Visual media can't compare to text.

any adaption could work, depends on the people

As long as the MORIQUENDI TELERI fucking shits get the rope I'm fine

Tolkien is probably rolling in his grave as pagans, redditors, satanists, and fedorafags are fetishizing his series

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No. The nips lack the mentality to properly comprehend it.

No adaptation can do it justice


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this sadly.

what could possibly happen is you take one arc and give it 6-12 episodes or so.
make sure the studio that gets it is known for making KILLER backgrounds (ghibli, kyoani, or wit, etc) and keep full CGI the fuck away.

with a good character designer (get the guy who does Final fantasy and make sure his design's don't get turned into neo-modern shit) you might go somewhere.

if you got japanese speaking Westerners to do the voices that could be cool too, as they'd sound different and have an 'otherworldy' sound to Japanese speakers and Otaku.

but in all truth.


The Jackson LOTR trilogy was great though

Not without a manga adaption first

not him, but, you have to be a sheep millenial / zoomer to call it great. it was 'Good', with obvious mordernish changes added to it.
i don't mind the continuity changes that made the story make sense ( delivering the sword) but others were just off (legolas invents the snowboard in battle, elves arrive at Minas Tirith)

we will never get a worthy adaptation

Agreed but we’re in contrarian territory boyo

>sudio ghibli will never make a Hobbit adaptation
>studio ghibli will never make a Silmarillion adaptation

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I doubt it. Maybe The Children of Húrin though, they could fix that godawful ending.

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The only good one is the first, the others are terrible.
>inb4 prancing and dancing Tom Bombadil

>that godawful ending.
Imagine having so much of a shit taste

Nah, just give it to Netflix, they'll probably know what to do.

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Not sure if Silmarilion but Trilogy sure. Fights are covered in 2-3 pages but when Gandalf looks at the fields of Gondor theres 10 times more text. Studios would love it. So much money saved. Just slowly passing to the right stillscreen while Gandalfs talks shit.

>you have to be a sheep millenial / zoomer to call it great.

Found the hipster.

There were no elves at minas tirith. It was at helm's deep, and it was to insist on the whole "Elves are on the departure, even though they are supposed to fight Sauron"

>killing yourself for marrying your brother and bearing his child
It was trash.

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Only if it focuses on Melkor ruining everyone's day.

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That wasn't the only reason and I'm afraid you missed the framework of Tolkien's works.
Besides the very last passage when he loses it and hears the sword is amazing.


Now I wish Kirino had jumped out of a cliff, followed by her brother committing sudoku because his sword told him to.

i meant Helm's Deep. fuck, i need to drink less.

>putting Fateshit on the same level as Tolkien

Post your Noldors fucking everything up in anime form.

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>that face when you are normie as fuck, and now you get called a hispter for not agreeing with the majority.

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as long as they don't add an original character especially isekai'd mc