Neon Genesis Evangelion was a deconstruction of the mecha genre

Neon Genesis Evangelion was a deconstruction of the mecha genre.
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica was a deconstruction of the mahou shoujo genre.
Violet Evergarden was a deconstruction of the anime medium itself.

What's left to deconstruct?

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Kill yourself.

I’d like to deconstruct your intestines.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

VEG is a time flop

deconstruct my dick, fag

>time flop
That's Yorimoi.

An anime that deconstructs life.

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Deconstructing yourself for your irredeemable shit taste.

>Violet Evergarden was a deconstruction of the anime medium itself.

user what the fuck are you saying

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nope, Yorimoi is loved by the japanese to this day.

Magia record is a deconstruction of meguca.

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>Violet Evergarden was a deconstruction of the anime medium itself
Pretty sure that was Haruhi

>Yorimoi is loved by the japanese to this day
Not as much as VEG clearly.

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It deconstructed the brains of a handful of autists back when it aired and now they are just organisms that run on primal instinct, throwing their feces around all over the board. They do not tire, they do not know the concept of self-control, they must shitpost about Violet Evergarden as aggressively as possible until their bodies finally give out.

but user, Yorimoi has a higher score and more ratings in your pic

Konosuba of all things being #1 should be enough to deter you from posting this list

very based. everyone is slowly taking the violetpill.

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damn the future of anime really is fucked, i didnt like any of these shows


>was a deconstruction of the mecha genre.
So what did Eva actually deconstruct?

So this is the power of Type S...

Christ is it really this easy to bait VEG haters?

I love Violet Evergarden. But I have literally never had one positive experience talking about it on Zig Forums. The fanbase is made up of the most insufferable people on this board and their combative nature outside of their threads have ruined the threads the show does get.

Then sadly you're not here when the good threads happen.

My fist deconstructing your face


come up with new ideas.

VEG was a snorefest.

I'm always here, so I can confirm there are no good threads. And it's not like I'm not sympathetic to them, I saw what happened. When the show entered public knowledge in 2017 it started getting overhyped as shit which naturally created a counter movement on Zig Forums of people who wanted to push back against them. Then in the season it did air, it aired alongside a handful of shows that became very popular, "stealing the spotlight" and it received some middling reviews because of it's slow start which fueled the show's detractors.

Thier existence has been one of constant conflict, these warriors, these VEGfags are battle hardened demons of shitposting. Their underhanded efforts were put in full view during Zig Forums's AOTD poll where they blatantly vote brigaded and still failed to put VEG in the top spot. With people like this making up the core of the threads, how could good ones possible exist? They can't I tell you.

Is this Blu Ray set acceptable?

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i missed the poll. what were the top AOTDs?