Kimetsu no Yaiba

Just watched episode 19. Why is this generic shonen shit getting so much praise ?

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Because the animation is top-tier.

Why shouldn't it? It's what people want, a story with fun characters and good feels with top tier animation

>Uuuuuh I'm from Zig Forums I hate my life and everything around me uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh I don't want people to like things uuuuhhh

Go back

Because it's good and not pretentious?

because muh sakuga, before the ep the anime wasn't even popular

it isn't fucking retard, it's full of awfull CG

>Genericism =/= Bad
its not a top tier either tho, but i think the animations dose deserve praise


Attached: Tanjiro_punches_Inosuke.gif (320x180, 3.03M)

Because some twitter nigger praised the ep for animation and the sheep follwed

@ the nigger

Why have you been making KnY thread the entire day?
You can't convince me that anyone has only watched this series now.
That is... unless you are complete newshit?...

The animation is good, but the story is mediocre at best. Episode 19 in particular is just a "love trumps hate!" asspull.

>Why is this generic shonen shit getting so much praise ?
because normalfags love to eat shit

Don't worry, it got axed.

>watches a shonen, complains that it's shonen
I don't understand you user


ITT : SOLniggers seethe at Shounenchads

Shonen doesn't mean mediocrity

This, the show is hardcore carried by it's production value, which isn't a bad thing

>the shounencel vs the seinenchad

>one part inuyasha
>two parts jojo
>one part kenshin

As so do popularity and simple stories.
>Popularity =/= mediocrity
>Simple story =/= mediocrity
What's your point user?

I think the soundtrack is better than the animation. But thats just me.

Wah, why is this anime i hate so popular

>animation is top tier as many anons pointed out.
>MC joined the fray out of desperation rather than I wanna go on an adventure or find my autistic father
He actually went through something. It's not mind blowing but it was just well done.

>waahh the horror movie scared me.
why would people do this? if they're not into the genre why watch something with that category?

Also, he's kind but not a cuck

This. It's a good shounen with a simple plot and characters

try again

Good description. He's not the super typical idiot hero but he's not spineless either.
A lot of other shonen MCs are presented "kind" but really they're just too simpleminded/stupid to be malicious (like Asta). Tanjiro actually has the brain cells to actually be called kind.

Attached: DS_43_15.jpg (1067x1600, 252.29K)

Asta is not that stupid to be honest. But Tanjiro is different he's kind and charming, without needing to act like an idiot

>love trumps hate!
you do know that if it becomes the opposite of that it stops being a shounen, right? some shounen have some gritty shit on them but the mantra will always be the same friendship, kindness, etc. as it is aimed for young teens
>anime starts with strong sibling's bond made an elite hunter hesitate to kill a demon. complains that the same bond saved them later on
This is called payoff and if you dind't like it why start complaining in episode 19? either you're not paying attention or you just got memed into hating the show.

You might want to try watching the other 18 episodes first

Because It gets better after Infinity train arc.

>kind and charming, without needing to act like an idiot
Why is this so rare? Is it a backlash or concern for being seen as "moralfagging"?
Literally the only other battle MCs that are like this in WSJ that I can think of are Kenshiro and Jonathan Joestar, the rest needs to have some sort of quirky personality like Joseph or Luffy or Deku.

Then why is the manga selling millions? Just cope harder, it's an amazing fresh shonen in a stagnant genre.

Only absolute retards think demographics mean anything about plot.