This man unironically did nothing wrong

This man unironically did nothing wrong.

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t. nigger

you'll change your mind OP after today's Berserk Storytime

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Yes he did(rape,torture,murder) to become a demon lord. Moreover, he's obviously gonna wreck the sh*t out that land

>Kills Hundreds of his own men
>Rapes his Best Friend's Grifriend
> Leaves her mentally ill
> Makes his best friend go completely off the rails, so much so that he nows imagines he talks to a giant wolf monster that tells him to kill people
>Kills half the world population so he can larp as a king
>Makes almost the whole world inhabitable and filled with monsters

inb4 " He's made a perfect world", he made a "pefect world" by killing half the world population and since the story ends with Guts killing this fag then he killed them all for nothing. (also if you think that his kingdom will remain as "pretty" for the rest of the story you are a retard, it will come falling down at the end of the "fantasia" arc and people will realize what Griffith is).

You forgot
>causes his best friend's unborn baby to become a demon and later uses his body to reincarnate into the physical world

Why do you Randomly Capitalize Words? Also when did he kill half the world's population? I don't remember that part.

When will Storytime be today? I want to take a short nap but I don't want to miss out

Whats storytime?

>creatures that spawned after the blast of the astral world didn't kill people

lurk moar

Don't worry guys, everything that happened in yesterday's volume was just a dream.

>Why do you Randomly Capitalize Words?

Just woked up when I made the reply

>? Also when did he kill half the world's population? I don't remember that part.

Apostles are subservient to The God Hand. You can relegate this to them being more powerful / higher on the demonic food chain. But to get granular, this likely has to do with the evil power that apostles are imbued with. The God Hand have an even higher concentration of that power, giving them dominion over lesser beings. Similarly, the God Hand serve a master born from that same power. So in short Ganishka doesn't have too much of a say on his own actions even if he thinks otherwise you can see an example of this when Ganishka faced Griffith in Vritannis, when confronted by Griffith he could do absolutely nothing.

The God Hand had manipulated Ganishka into doing everything they wanted, they needed a big bad so Griffith could defeat him to larp as the saviour of the world, they knew (as they almost always know) the future and knew Ganishka would reincarnate a second time through the "Man Made Behelit", and they planned for this to happen since the end plan was always to merge the worlds (and this is only possible through Ganishka) so they could exist too in the "normal" world , and ultimately to kill a large amount of the world population so the survivors would have no where other than Griffith's kingdom.

classic bait

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Only weaklings believing in slave morality would disagree. We have many such cases already itt

And how do you extrapolate that "half the world's population dead as a result" number? You just make up random shit and try to pass it off as fact? You would be a terrible propagandist.

That isn't me you idiot that's another user I already responded to you, If you think that more than half the world population made it to Falconia you are a retard 1. there isn't enough space requires a sacrifice, just like how Ganishka's big transformation required a pseudo sacrifice (his own men) Falconia and changing the world required a pseudo sacrifice too: Ganishka's death and the death of millions of people.

>live without morality just to reach your goals
>fail to see that other people have will and dreams of their own. just acknowledging them as means to an end
>have a true friend and despise him just for doing so
go be gay somewhere else

Sooooooooo, no story time today?

Guts and Griffith both fit the Ubermensch archetype but one of them is a genuine hero and the other is a backstabbing little bitch with a god complex.

What are the best subs for the 1997 movie?

Is there anything about those claims of yours that is backed up by facts or do you continuously invent your own headcanon? Seriously, I really don't recall anything about a sacrifice being needed or the implications that millions of people died as a result of the merging of the physical and astral world. Some may have, and some will but ultimately they're not even mentioned in passing because to the bigger picture that's not even relevant. You know your moral stance is very questionable when you have to rewrite history to better fit your narrative.

it's on for real, lads

it was a pleasure berserking with you

Holy fuck being this much of a speedreader, yes it's all backed by the logic that has been established through the decades of story in berserk all transformation needs a sacrifice doesn't matter if this is a pseudo transformation when you bring evil energy into the world this is going to have an effect, reread the manga have you ever wondered why Miura went out of is way to make a whole chapter about Ganishka stomping on his own men inmediately after his transformation is complete in mirroring manner of how The God Hand are created?

I swear some of the people in here don't even read or understand what they are seeing.

>You know your moral stance is very questionable when you have to rewrite history to better fit your narrative.

How can you be so smug about a topic you know nothing about lmao , spend a few hours informing yourself and then we can have a discussion, don't worry I'll give you enough time to go through all the forum to answer your own questions

I'm talking about the supposed sacrifice needed to transform Ganishka into that big tree of light. No such mention or even hint of it. Good job "speedreading" a 3-line long post and misunderstanding it.

>yes it's all backed by the logic that has been established through the decades of story in berserk all transformation needs a sacrifice doesn't matter if this is a pseudo transformation when you bring evil energy into the world this is going to have an effect, reread the manga have you ever wondered why Miura went out of is way to make a whole chapter about Ganishka stomping on his own men inmediately after his transformation is complete in mirroring manner of how The God Hand are created?

>I'm talking about the supposed sacrifice needed to transform Ganishka into that big tree of light. No such mention or even hint of it. Good job "speedreading" a 3-line long post and misunderstanding it.

Am I speaking with a retarded person? If so I'm sorry, I shouldn't be calling you names.

>Kills hundreds of his own men
He has not killed one of them, the demons did.

>Rapes his best friend's girlfriend
Casca was after his dick for a long time. Guts was just the silver medal thinking Griffith will never want her.
>Leaves her mentally ill
Her own weak mind. It's a world full of monsters. While others fought, she was the weak link. Merely a testimony of how she is not mentally fit for this.
>Makes his best friend go completely off the rails
Guts threw the first rock by ignoring the issues about Griffith that made this happen in the first place.

>Kills half the population so he can larp as a king
That is literally all kingdoms. They all rise from bloodshed. All nations, kingdoms and so on are built upon killing others. The US was built upon the blood of natives, Rome killed countless tribes and settlements and China or Japan has an entire era of war on their own soils.

>Makes almost the whole world inhabitable
Merely creating a world with no opposition, as every kingdom wants to eradicate those in their way for power.

What was the point of any of this if Griffith was always fated to became a godhand anyway?

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t. Griffith