Post characters who canonically had sex

Post characters who canonically had sex.

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Long live the King and Queen and DEATH TO MARLEY

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this can't be true!

What is my boy Tomoya Okazaki doing there with this thoth?

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>when the male in a triangle relationship dies, so you marry the pregnant lover so you can groom the son into your perfect lover


These blood related siblings.

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Did something happen in the sequel series I haven't read. Because last I checked Erza was canonically confirmed as a virgin by that one guy's orgasm magic.

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And had 3 children

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there's nothing on wiki

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MC is stupid

You wish so do I

that bitch was seriously whacked.

Well done.

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based PLOTchad

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Who is this face? I keep seeing him everywhere on Zig Forums

No only canon, but on screen!

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It's Obito Uchiha from Boruto without his Sharingan activated.

strangely boner inducing.


also, have another sex fiend or two.

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