Choose five. The other ten will have to kill you

Choose five. The other ten will have to kill you.

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Don't bully Cuchulainn. He does his best...

Gil saber archer are all I need

Gil, Herc and Cu can deal with the other ten while I have a threesome with my wife and my wife's alternative form.

Gill would just kill his own team and then job to someone else

Gilgamesh, Emiya, Artoria, Heracles, Medea

If you really wanted to survive and assuming no one has any ulterier motives
>Saber,alt-saber, and Shirou because plot armor
>Gilgamesh because he's fucking broken
>Cu since he's guaranteed to take out at least one or more servants while going out in a blaze of glory

Deermud was written solely for the author to get revenge on Chads

>Choose five

As long as I have a support Merlin I'm good

>A normal community photo turned morbid, as a an accident of currently unknown origins kills five community members this Saturday morning

>We now turn to HGN's reporter Angry Manjew, on the scene

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Berserker, gilgamesh, both sabers + caster fsn. Done. I have won

gil /emiya/ caster/ heracles/ Iskandar

The only correct answer

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Gilgamesh(Ultimate attacker)
Artoria(Ultimate defender)
Medea(Huge buffs for everyone)
Medusa(Huge debuffs for the enemy)
Kojirou(Buddy to have fun with)

Easy as shit. Gilgamesh and Artoria are all you really need.
>Hundred faces
>Cursed arm
Countered by Gilgamesh
Countered by Artoria.
Avalon makes you almost immortal
Medea makes you completely immortal
Medusa royally fucks over most of the enemies with gorgon eyes+blood fort
Kojirou plays video games and watches anime with you.

>ultimate defender

Avalon is absurdly broken. If you let her keep it she will solo most servants, if you have her give it to you it's going to take a lot to actually kill you instead of just injuring you so they can't even win via targeting you.

All i need is
>Saber Alter

except she doesn't have it

>EA GG the 14 weaklings

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If you summoned her that means Kerry or Shirou doesn't have it. Which means one of two things.
Avalon is with you or her.
Avalon is out in the world and Artoria could easily find it because it will respond to her mana if she gets within range

>posting fanfictions

That's bullshit. You can summon her without Avalon. And you can't just go through the world searching Avaln in the middle of a war

Archer Gil
Saber Arturia
Caster Medea
Berserker Heracles
Archer Emiya

The rest are either too much of a liability or not powerful enough

Even without Avalon she's still strong as fuck. Avalon just makes her nearly invincible


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you can summon her
>by compatibility
>with a piece of the round table
>with any other possible catalyst


Not risking any Archers due to the whole independence action thing.

>saber A
there is literally no better combo if you want to avoid death. if push comes to shoved you can enter both reality marbles and escape from some bullshit while your enemies would have to deal with redman and gills bullshit at the same time.

imagine actually liking Fate

>Gil and Archer teaming up
That's just not gonna end well

It will end better than taking any berserker. I'm not illya so i can't control herc and neither can any of you. and lancer class is made for jobbing.

lancelot kills both artorias, herc kills alexander adn redman gil kill each other

>your team kills itself meme
wasn't in the rules, fuck off retard go move your goalpost somewhere else.

Avalon is Artoria's catalyst. There is nothing else that can be used to summon her instead of another round table member. Fairies have Caliburn and Excalibur, she took everything she was wearing with her when she entered Avalon, and she wasn't known for any other clothing or items either.

Compatibility is extremely unlikely and you might as well roll a 1d100 and hope to land on 15. But if you do summon her that way you can just go find Avalon.
>And you can't just go through the world searching Avaln in the middle of a war
If masters had the time to travel across the world after summoning their servant then you'd definitely have time to go on a holiday with her unless she was the last summon.

>Lancelot killing Arthur
didn't happen in the real story, didn't happen in fate, your head canon is fucking dumb, just like you.

Gil + Saber Alter to satisfy his thirst for Seiba, prevent most of his uppity shit and give him a reason to fight ==> GG no re

>There is nothing else that can be used to summon her instead of another round table member
except gray, carnewennan, any item she might have owned during her life, a piece of the round tbale...

your fault for not thinking it through you retarded fuck

Lancelot couldn't even kill one Artoria