Should I watch this and then read the anime?

Should I watch this and then read the anime?

Attached: Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple.jpg (1276x1276, 266.81K)

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No, it's not very good.

>read the anime

>He doesn't read anime

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the manga is good, the anime is sh it



I like the brown loli.

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play it

Yes, it´s fun, most of the cast is very likable Nijima master race , has a decent amount of waifus and the art improves a lot.
Maybe the main ship grows stale but it´s still a pretty decent battle shonen.
>What are subtitles?

Really low quality at times and in my opinion, the coloring looks "off" even for anime standards. For something that doesn't even cover half the manga, just read the manga. Only watch the anime if you have nostalgia for it. Also the manga has way better fanservice and nipples, slight nipples, erect nipples and asses.

Favorite master-type character?
Mine is Akisame Koetsuji.

Mine is Sasaki. We are destined to fight someday, user.

shizuka obviously, the poor neglected goddess

>not muting his anime

god i wish Syun re-release this series in digital color.

What I remember from this manga is how many times Miu nearly got naked. And how unapologetically she was treated as trophy girlfriend for the MC as he could only marry her by beating the strongest guy in the verse, her grandpa. I also liked how Kenichi slowly got more jacked. That level of progression isn't as visible in other series.

Also, Renka and Kisara were hot as fuck.

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they both needed more ass shots

>how many times Miu nearly got naked
In the back half of the manga pretty much every fight she was in was guaranteed to end with two scraps of her leotard desperately clinging to her nipples.
Not to mention Shigure being completely stripped naked for, like, the last 25% of the story.

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she needed a good raping or groping

dat ass shouldn't be a virgin

Years later I’m still seething with the fucking ending
Fuck the author for going full retard and just adding characters no one gave a fuck about

> "as you can see i am not me because me is evil and iam the good one"
I kek so hard

Amazing moment, other pacifist characters in the genre should learn from the way Kenichi was written.

Is the anime an straight adaptation or a loose one?

100% straight adaption.
It was pretty faithful as far I remember outside of it skipping some chapters of the arcs it adapted.
Mostly one off chapters like Kenichi's dad visiting the dojo.

go for it user. the anime was entertaining and cool if you want to know about different martial arts, even with hadokens and power levels later on, but keep in kind there is a bunch of fluff necessary to fill 50 episodes


Ma Kensei

dont tell me she's still a virgin

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she is

what a fucking disappointment

should've been raped and sexually tortured into their obedient sex smith slave