Untranslated Manga

How are you holding up with this Comiket-less year, user? Look at the positive side, it just means you will have more free time to read and translate your backlog, right?

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Thanks to user who recommended this manga in previous thread. Looks like the raw available online are collected from the magazine, if there's any better raw so we can bring this manga back to life, I'd appreciate that.

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Also, I don't know if there is still any interest left for Junketsu no Maria but I'm planning to translate the short stories collection in Junketsu no Maria exhibition.

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By paying and ripping from service like booklive?

>Junketsu no Maria
Are scans for the series itself available? I remember looking it up a few years back and they stopped midway through and checking MU right now it doesn't seem like the situation is any better.

Since i post this every thread so why not. Also keigo shinzo has been hospitalized with lymphoma cancer with just two chapters of this series left.

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To the anons that showed interest in this during the last thread, I'm willing to buy the raws if you're willing to translate them.

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It won the Tezuka award
Summary: 40 years old virgin supermarket lady get sent to the backroom because she's not pretty enough to in the front store anymore. Feeling out of touch with reality and her declining lifestyle, she seeks happiness to working in hostess made for 40+. Her new job is filled with society anomaly and outcasts who come with flavorful backstories and tales of historical events tracing from Japan war to the 90s.

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>Raws exist
>huge hit in Japan
>Author with general mainstream success
>first chapter translated and pretty funny

why wont anybody just translate this fucker?

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I had to give up hope for my pet favorite. Apparently it's a bitch to translate, which I understand. I did try and use OCR + Deepl translation just to see what happens, and I can sort of see why, just in the difference between the ease of translating basic Jap and this. If you're desperate and just can't be asked to learn Japanese, it's an OK method but it's time consuming.
There's hardly anything in the English web about it, but apparently it's still pumping LN volumes and probably more manga adaptations.

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For the same reason mecha and tokusatsu aren't popular outside of Japan

user, we should try to be more cryptic with those threads, mods/jannies just don't want us.
...thank god, I had 7/23 already translated and cleaned, so I was fearing for a sudden sweep. And you're right, it's a bitch and half to translate this shit but I already began so fuck it.

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I mean, I'd have to look up some of the jargon, like "shitsumon kyoushitsu" on that page, and I'd rather kill myself than have to redraw that shit, but it doesn't look particularly difficult.

Just long.

"Redraw" you say?

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Not sure if this is the best place the to post this but if anyone remembers the translation list for Jump Plus from a few days ago, got a new one for weekly shonen magazine. Not as filled with untranslated manga as the previous one but still a handy list to use for reference. Might do weekly sunday or weekly champion next unless anyone wants a specific magazine.
Also in case your wondering why domestic na konojo is the only one in he officially translated category, while there are more manga being officially translated most of them are being fan translated while its fan translations stopped over two years ago. (I can change it if people want a exact list of series being officially translated).

Attached: Weekly Shonen Magazine Lineup.png (2112x1676, 3.49M)

Sounds useful. If you want to go the autist way then do one for each magazine, not just jump ones.

Also I think it would be better if you put "partially translated" instead of "status: x/y chapters", because it wouldn't require frequent updates. Same about the number of chapters in the no translations category.

Are you sure about that?

It depending on the magazine. Plus was a nightmare to do because of how many series their was and a lot of sites had conflicting info about their status (probably not doing any online publications again), Ill probably go with smaller magazines if I'm autistic enough to continue this since there's a smaller number of series to list, and their more likely to have untranslated series then translated ones.
I'll keep that in mind. I added the chapter numbers to give a rough idea how far behind a series is, but that does seem a little unnecessary in hindsight.


Kill yourself


In terms of manga, yeah. Aside from the release of a handful of Shotaro Ishinomori's work (Kamen Rider, Kikaider, Skull Man) and that one Ultraman manga, toku is as popular among readers as mecha. That is to say, it's just not. Both have long lists of untranslated manga spanning 50+ years, and few scanlation groups have been willing to touch them, much less licensed publishers. I don't expect this to change any time soon.

oops, *western readers

As I said in the previous thread, if you need them I can get you higher quality raws up to a certain chapter

Is the digital edition of Kakugo no Susume any better than the raws that have been floating around since forever?

Oh, you meant manga. Yeah, you are right.

wasnt this one who won?

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