Black Clover

Why is Asta wearing such a lewd outfit now?

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To make Mimosa and Noelle wet. Seriously, he really needs to put on a shirt.

only way to attract people to the story, he now has to go for the small boy lovers

More like he needs to take off those retarded sleeves. Chadsta should go topless with nothing but the Black Bull pauldron to shield his glorious pecs from the world

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I wonder how they feel about it, I'm surprised noelle could even stand next to him

To distract his gay enemies. Also how many more chapters do we have to wait until Noelle and Mimosa getting fucked up by Vanica?

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>Noelle and Mimosa getting fucked up by Vanica?
Noelle doesn't job


That Asta reminds me of pic related for some reason

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I have no idea of the appeal of this manga or the thought process involved in order to like it.

It's a simple battle shonen with fun team fights and nice character interactions that's about it

It's a fun battle shounen with great team fights and good character interactions. Honestly I am reading it mostly for the Dark Triads at this point.

Hive mind

t.didn't read the rest of the second post he replied to.

What's their endgame? Will we ever see Zenon or Vanica betray Dante?

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Turn the world into berserk

I did though

Someone will get raped, user. They can't do that to the BC girls.

Finesse will get raped before she dies

He became a slut

To try and make this shit series relevant

Tell me user why is it shit? I'm honestly curious to hear your opinion

Finral would be crushed. Choose another girl, user.

>Good fights based on strategy
>Good side characters
>Good female characters
>Good worldbuilding
>Amazing pace
>Read underdog MC

What do you think she did for 6 months? Trained to not fair when she's near Asta and his new outfit

Thus the punished Finral arc starts.

I wonder what kind of training was that

Basically the training Kaguya did, she developed a routine


Sorry, I thought you knew her. She's the FMC in a manga called Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai. She's the black haired girl in the pic

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>Vanica has tongue magic
>Vanica starts tongue magicking Loro,Noelle, and Mimosa at the same time

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>Read underdog MC
Watch as they shit on Asta for having anti-magic despite every fucking weakness involving it and its theming.

That's one of the reasons why they can't enjoy BC. They are stubborn and can't understand that an MC can be an underdog for real even with a good power (that he couldn't use if he didn't train his whole life)