Write the plot for a high school romance

two conditions
1) ONE (1) heroine
2) the Main character is NOT a retarded betamax

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love isnt real

High school isn't real

>"A Chad falls in love with a girl. Him being the Chad among Chads, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he calls her, and is unsurprised to find out that she was mirin' him"

Jaden you are nigger, did you know THAT?

rent free

>Because I want to fuck you I'll join your club!
The MC is the heroine and she is the exact opposite of betamax - nympho that changes sexual partners more often than socks. Or so she would, if she didn't have to live amongst herbivores that start stuttering about club activities and after-school lessons. But even those soccer obsessed bookworm otakus must have a weakness and our MC is determined to find it. She'll try to seduce different guys by joining different and always loses to archetypal girl - she want to get the martial arts club senpai, but he is into brown tomboy, she wants to impress the cooking club boys, but they love chubby girls with appetite, she tries to cosplay waifus to get the otaku crowd, but they're into the shy otaku girl... Until one day she realizes she has to be herself and finally finds a perverted guy that is more than willing to explore their deviacies together.

Hasn't this already been done with that manga about the overly honest guy and the strong girl? They confess by like chapter 5 and the rest of the story is about their relationship and fucking.

they are also both dumb as fucking rocks

A highschool loli skateboarder from Australia falls in love with the reincarnation of Tony Hawk and they both vow to meet again when they enter the skateboarding tournament on the moon.

OP said retarded betamax which I thought implied that they are both not wishywashy and oblivious to each others feelings. These two are far from beta.

Tony Hawk is alive

He won't be in 100 years when the anime takes place.

I see where you're coming from and I apologize for wording it that way.
I know this manga you speak of, it started as a bunch of twitter posts IIRC.
But that's not really what I'm after.
Those two are just shouting shit at each other because they are shameless troglodytes.
That's just the opposite end of the same stupid spectrum.

I know there is tons of shoujo manga where the guy is calm and collected, but those tend to have plot tangled like fucking spaghetti and the guy is most of the time a complete dickbag on top of it.

Says the vhsvirgin.

Girl and boy like each other and want to date. They have already confessed to each other but the problem is the boy's powerful parents are very protective of their son. The parents dont find the girl worthy of their son, so they set up traps to prevent them from dating or send hitmen after her. The girl is a martial artist that is constantly fighting off these things to try and date her boyfriend in peace.

This has to be the most polite fucking post I've seen on this site

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Local tomboy stops being homeschooled, and meets all sorts of interesting fellas. She falls for the guy by around chapter 50, one semester into the school year. They actually start dating but he end of the year.

We have VCDs now, gramps

>not HD DVD

I'm going to come clean with you guys.
I know you think this is just of those lazy hour threads where you pour you soul into a post and it never amounts to anything, but don't be mistaken.
I'm sitting home with a busted leg with a 600 dollar tablet and I'm desperately trying to come up with something to keep myself from wearing a rope necktie.
If you make something worth reading, I will materialize it and "publish" it here.

>MC is the school idol and the stuco president, with plenty of boys who try to ask her out and confess to her.
>However, she's actually a closeted lesbian, and would rather one of the girls ask her out, if all the girls around her weren't mostly sycophants or followers.
>One day, MC meets a girl in town and realizes the girl is her exact type, and asks her out. The girl is perplexed and runs of.
>Later, at school, MC realizes that the most popular boy in school, a star athlete on the baseball team, was the girl she met in town when she discovers him trying to change into his girl outfit.
>The boy reveals that he's transgender and wants to be a girl, but knows that no one will accept him, not his peers or his parents. He also admits that he is attracted to the MC, especially after their meeting, but isn't sure how to cope with it.
>MC then has an idea. Later, at school, she publicly asks the boy out, subtly hinting that he can be a girl around her.
>Series follows the MC and her new partner dating, where they publicly date as a heterosexual couple but secretly date as a lesbian couple, with MC helping her partner live their preferred life as a woman.

The heroine is a retarded betamax

a bold move

>MC:14 yo middle school student
>Heroine: Sensei, 26 yo, nurse/soccer team coach
>Sensei is secretly a shotacon- only worked in school because she's so.
>MC is manlet but wants to be soccer player
>Story progress as MC gets one-on-one training with sensei every week.
>MC dense as a rock can't tell that it was basically sekuhara.
>One day, Sensei missed an important match.
>MC loss and failed to win championship in middle school
>Sensei console him with boob hug.
>7 years later
>MC still a manlet
>He invited sensei to watch his pro match in Britton
>"It seems I can't win without Sensei's boobs"
>Get married and have multiple shortstacks daughteru

Isn't this an inverted version of the premise of one of those fake mangas in Jintai?

>i sell my house and move back home
>get a job as an assistant gym coach at my old high school
>coach track and field
>spend three years befriending semi athletic students
>get invited over to dinner by 3rd place joeschmo
>sister sees me
>turns out she's starting high school in the fall

you can imagine the rest

>The girl is depressed because her family was murdered
>Girl walking down the street one day, being depressed, when rapists show up
>MC shows up out of nowhere and rescues her
>Slow build romance where he helps her out of the depression and she becomes hopelessly attached and in love with him, lots of bittersweet moments due to her trauma
>Smart & athletic competitor boy tries too, gets BTFO'd by the OTP's true love
>Competitor boy figures out MC is a psychopath yandere who murdered heroine's family and paid the rapists
>ah shit he's the real MC, can he rescue her?
>what was that noise?


Ok, the guy used to be an enormous betamax back in middle school, and got his shit kicked regularly. He takes a gap year after running away from home, where he trains like hell, studies, and works on his confidence a lot, even manages to fuck a couple hot bitches.
He comes back to school, and with the excuse that he was kidnapped by a pedophile, makes it his goal to fuck bitches and become the school's most popular chad. However, he realises how fucking boring and vapid normies are, and the manga turns into a psychological horror/advice manga about dealing with normies. This goes on until he finds out that the town bicycle is super into the same nerdy shit he used to like, but hides it for fear of ridicule.
They get together, and while he still stays a chad, he accepts his nerdy side without becoming a sperg, while fucking an ACTUALLY nerdy chick with a fat ass.

MC is gay
Female doesn't know it.

If you want a good high school romance you flesh out multiple characters of both genders. If you want a bad one its just the 2 of them or 1 person and their harem with non existant or cardboard cutout same sex others. Charachters who dont want to suck mcs dick have to exist.

Examples of good would be school rumble, nozaki, horimiya,

easy version:
>heroine has cancer or some terminal shit
>dies in the end