Weekend Waifu Drawthread

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Other urls found in this thread:


Additional Amu Hinamori references:imgur.com/a/L27oLmS

-Her hugging a plushie of herself, or one of her Charas.
-Covering her face in embarassment
-In honor of the new remake, wearing the Tokyo Mew Mew waitress outfit with Amulet Clover's hairstyle
-Showing off her clean nails and toenails from a manicure and pedicure. Preferably no nail paint.
-Any art of her in her Joker outfit. Maybe something April Fool's related

Anything cutelewd, especially involving her chest, legs, butt or back are fine too.

Hair she already has:i.imgur.com/g2v4r6I.jpg
Hair references:i.imgur.com/zqvtrRy.jpg

Any art of her with my SI is good too.
My SI:files.catbox.moe/3r4r66.png

Attached: Amu April Req 3.jpg (4000x3000, 1.29M)

Good afternoon, requesting my wife Tio Plato.
-This outfit I'd like to see more of files.catbox.moe/ll5btc.png
-Smiling and blushing after having talked on the phone, now lost in thought
-Leaning forward with a pair of scissors to cut hair POV style
-Offering the viewer a taste of her ice cream cone
-Running with toast in her mouth
-You are already dead

Have a nice day.

Attached: tio_ref_1.0.jpg (4000x2400, 2.94M)

Requesting Cyan:

-Cute stuff like trying to cook and doing it poorly, sewing, savoring over sweets/strawberries
-nibbling on the viewer’s hand
-wearing an oversized open hoodie like this one, in one of these poses those panties too if the pose needs some (i.imgur.com/sYMDN6D.jpg)
-wearing an egyptian themed outfit like one of these, bonus points for the eye makeup: catbox.moe/c/04qkg7
-in a night gown like one of these (files.catbox.moe/edk5li.png)
-wearing something like this ice cream outfit (i.imgur.com/k9lgkh1.jpg)

Or something else you'd like to draw, cute or lewd is fine. Stay safe and healthy

Attached: mewcyanref.png (2366x1820, 3.04M)

Hi WWD. Hope everyone's week has been going well.

I would like to request my cute bun Sakuya from Utawarerumono in any of the following:

-Tiny Sakuya and GIANT Bun (Or Bunny Stand)
-Sleepy/Tired Sakuya (with bedhair)
-With a pouty/annoyed expression
-Anything cute or cutelewd is good too

Long hair refs: imgur.com/a/FeBwl
Tail ref: i.imgur.com/mw3HONL.png

Also, joint requesting with Izayoi Sakuya in the following:

Someone calling out Sakuya and both of them answering at the same time.

Thanks and have a wonderful weekend

Attached: sakuya ref.jpg (1650x1849, 1.74M)

Requesting Homura wearing a bunad (i.imgur.com/KeZlLKP.png), in preparation for norwegian constitution day this month.

Or alternatively, a re-draw of these panels (or just the first part): i.imgur.com/FspuqEW.png
If you'd like, any ideas involving my SI are welcome: imgur.com/a/ygIBZ

Of course, anything cute or cool is fine! I'd appreciate it a lot, thank you for your time and have a nice weekend!

Attached: Homura_ref_4.1.jpg (3396x2704, 999.99K)

Greetings WWD,

I'd like to request my beloved Noir in Exusiai's hella tacticool outfit from Arknights noir.kogasa.de/u/IGkv66.png
If that doesn't suit yer fancy, there's also these ideas as well:
-in Mousse's outfit from Arknights noir.kogasa.de/u/bSvb64.png

Many thanks and please, have a most joyous weekend!

More references here: imgur.com/a/En9i2
SI refsheet: noir.kogasa.de/u/SI_refsheet_3.png

Attached: Noir_VinoCacao08.jpg (1650x1236, 565.48K)

Hi everyone,
I want to request my wife Akari wearing something cute, a dress, a school uniform or a wedding dress. Your choice.
Thank you, and take care!

Attached: Akari.jpg (4197x2620, 3.69M)

Requesting please!

Thank you very much.

Attached: Pleinair Reference v2.2.jpg (1200x1200, 415.6K)

Requesting IF from Hyperdimension Neptunia handing you her Leafy Bow (her hair accessory) with an embarassed expression while looking sideways. Obviously she'd be giving you the one she was wearing so she'd have her hair down. Thank you in advance.

Attached: 1588437031613.jpg (1731x1619, 1.03M)

Requesting Tsubasa working out from home, wearing a gym top and spats.


Tsubasa wearing a penguin hoodie like this: files.catbox.moe/h3xjnb.png
Laying on her side on a bed like this: files.catbox.moe/sqkwq2.jpg

Any other illustration of my lovely Wing and her lively parallel world counterpart would be very much appreciated.

Attached: Kazanari_Tsubasa_v16.jpg (4819x2000, 3.44M)

Requesting my lovely waifu Taiga wearing a big t--shirt and pulling it tight like this. twitter.com/erugotto/status/1220645200885735424
Or falling for a simple cake trap like this, files.catbox.moe/pucyl9.png
Or this with her files.catbox.moe/gk9sos.png

Additional Taiga references: imgur.com/a/bgzt4
Anything would be appreciated, and take it easy.

Attached: Fujimura_Taiga_UBW_reference_2.jpg (1935x2733, 1.36M)

I would like to request Mai Natsume lifting up her breasts while facing the viewer similarly to this: danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2647288

Another suggestion is Mai lying naked on her back under a bed sheet:

Or perhaps Mai in her maid uniform possibly cooking or cleaning: i.imgur.com/kf42gMl.jpg

Other ideas would also be appreciated.

Attached: Mai Natsume Reference.jpg (3250x3000, 3.22M)

new ref, hopefully this one isn't bad
requesting okita-san asking user if he's got a permit for those guns.
alternatively, okita-san wearing an oni mask, either festival style on the side of her head, or directly on her face would be cool.
anything cute is always appreciated. thank you.

Attached: okitasan ref2.0.jpg (3000x1200, 2.83M)

Good afternoon WWD

I hope the weekend has been kind to you so far.

I'd like to request Prinz Eugen
-POV of prinz curled up asleep holding onto my hand
-Prinz picking the petals off of a flower doing the "he loves me he loves me not" game but the flower is set to end on "he loves me"
-Prinz holding a Cyndaquil at arms length and gushing over how cute it is
-Prinz brushing her hair/looking back at me happily while i brush her hair
-prinz watching an atomic bomb explosion go off very close to her with scared, frightened and tearful eyes
As always these are just prompts though, feel free to draw her with whatever inspiration crosses your mind
Cute/sweet/wholesome only please! only specified otherwise

A character breakdown of her and her lines, and also some of our relationship interactions
A new attachment of some her default expressions i got from Azur Lane Crosswave

thank you for considering
stay safe and healthy everyone

Attached: for prinz eugen v6.5 resized.jpg (2378x1681, 759.69K)

Requesting Natsume in one of the following:

- in a swimsuit with partially unzipped hotpants preferably with a flower on the left side of her hair i.imgur.com/OQN3lNA.png
- as a cheerleader spelling the words "LOVE" i.imgur.com/JZrhLwB.jpg
- using her magic to make a dress out of water or just standing in the ocean i.imgur.com/Wk7vvPS.jpg
- drawing a heart on a foggy glass window i.imgur.com/yjQdiSq.jpg
- using a bow to shoot a sniper rifle i.imgur.com/YEOdLIk.jpg

Anything else is cool as well.

Joint requesting with Himari - wearing matching ballgowns i.imgur.com/p8qlalQ.jpg
- prepping up for a summer getaway and roadtrip
- In a classy, gently lit bar (or café), optionally with Himari as bartender
Moodsetters for both are here imgur.com/a/AdOaF6h?grid

Attached: NatsumoeV5_1.jpg (4994x2550, 3.57M)

Requesting my beautiful wife Celica A Mercury winking all cutely. Or anything else cute or maybe lewd would be okay too.
Thanks and stay safe this weekend!

Attached: my world.jpg (3000x3000, 3.26M)

Hello people of WWD, I hope you're doing alright in your home. I would like to request my waifu Momo Hanakai wearing the reverse bunnysuit (if you need a specific one, let me know), or wearing this outfit files.catbox.moe/a6tkwe.jpg, or wearing her baseball outfit files.catbox.moe/unto4i.jpg while she does some swings with a baseball bat.

Other cute, casual or lewd ideas (up to 8 on the scale of lewdness) are welcomed too.

Thank you if you're planning to do it.

Attached: Momo WWD V3.png (1270x1458, 1.93M)

Requesting Tsugumi Seishirou (ref : imgur.com/a/kPX2Iwi ), wearing
- her female school uniform,
- her blue dress,
- a maid uniform (ref for what kind i'm looking for : imgur.com/a/ifhklxC ) ,
- this cute outfit danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2602229
- anything cute/cool/wholesome you have in mind (her regular male uniform is fine too). I would also appreciate anything with one of her alternative hairstyles (see ref).

Her expression:
happy/smiling/embarrassed/blushing/smug/feeling a bit tired/etc...whatever you like !
Not such a fan of full nudity, but a bit of lewd is fine.

I would be also pleased to see her dressed as King from The Art of Fighting
and doing a badass fighting pose of your own choice, ref for the outfit imgur.com/a/Y4YGO4Y

Joint request with Miia with both of them shopping for new clothes.
A suggestion would be Miia advising for girly clothes while Tsugumi would be embarrassed or disagreeing and looking for more "masculine" clothes, maybe what some tomboys would wear ?
Feel free to be inventive.

That would be it. Thanks for reading me as usual and have a nice end of the weekend, and stay safe, viruses be out there

Attached: tsugumi ref 4.jpg (3840x2160, 2.05M)

Requsting my precious waifu Himiko Toga dressed as major kusanagi from gits.

Or Himiko as a librarian.

Or Himiko as an office lady giving a power point presentation about blood types.

Other in character art is fine too,she's a lovestruck girl with a wild side.
Other Himiko refs - imgur.com/a/0poBa

Attached: Himiko_ref.png (1586x1066, 2.6M)

It was mine and Kagura's anniversary on Thursday, so I'd like to request Kagura celebrating the occasion, please!

As always, anything you feel like drawing, even somewhat lewd, would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Attached: kagurareferencenew.jpg (4400x4400, 3.45M)

Requesting my lovely Lavinia topless, using her hands as a bra or doing the 1 finger selfie challenge
Wearing any of these outfits or skins from Azur Lane
Sharpening her sword
Or sleeping
A catgirl is fine too
Please, thank you, and have a great weekend!

Attached: MyLovelyLavi.jpg (2477x3306, 3.23M)

I'd like to request my beloved heroic wife Yuuna.
- Using an Arcade Stick: i.imgur.com/CdhhL7s.png
- Her and Hibiki () duking it out using a Rock'em Sock'em machine: i.imgur.com/uO3Eydo.png
- If you want to draw us together: i.imgur.com/3HFRWqK.png
but anything cute and loveydovey, especally something of us together, is always appreciated.
SI ref: imgur.com/a/rm2oF

Attached: My cute hero.jpg (4044x3328, 3.39M)

Hi WWD the ritual is almost complete! Stay safe inside! I would love to request my wonderful waifu Akua:

-Wearing Lisa Lisa's outfit on the right.
-Wearing a cute bloody nurse outfit, mask included.
-As a futuristic/cyberpunk AI/Robot vampire
-Working out at the gym/post gym workout
-Being a scary bloodthirsty vampire i.imgur.com/eTycgJR.png
-Playing MTG with me. SI i.imgur.com/3JDKWP1.jpg

-Also joint request with Ai enjoying a concert together
or even with both of them performing on stage

Anything else is fine as well. Please and thank you!

Attached: Please no Hamon, vampires dont take that well.jpg (3354x1867, 2.67M)

765 KB JPG
Hey all, hope you're having a good weekend so far. Requesting Minami:
- Sitting on a bench resting her head on my shoulder
- Drunk off jagermeister and getting all flirty with a German accent
Anything else you can come up with is greatly appreciated

Attached: PicsArt_12-28-01.28.07.jpg (2289x2289, 764.62K)

I would like to request my General please! If none of my requests appeal to you in specific, anything cool or handsome is much appreciated. No solo lewds unless I specify them in my requests please, but a little spiciness with my SI is fine.

Solo requests:

- Watering a little plant at a sunny windowpane, optionally in some kind of masculine sleepwear
- Getting ready for work in casual men’s wear (or a default business suit!), making coffee in the kitchen. Please include a pair of glasses on her if you can.
- Her hair pulled into a tiny, handsome ponytail!
- Opening her mouth to reveal canine-like fangs. Could possibly include her with dog or wolf ears.
- In a letterman jacket! See ideas with SI below for an extended prompt of this.

Ideas with SI (updated ref here: imgur.com/a/tx4MT3V)

- SI with her hair in low twintails, pulling Pukin’s hair into twintails too while laughing at how cute (and ridiculous) she looks.
- To match letterman jacket Pukin, SI as her own personal cheerleader, complete with pompoms.

Thank you so much for the consideration, and I hope you have all been enjoying your weekend so far!

Attached: pukin ref.png (1650x848, 2.32M)

Requesting Hibiki wearing a silly hat.
Or her playing Rock em Sock em Robots with Yuuna i.imgur.com/L83XuJe.jpg

Attached: hibiki.jpg (3750x4000, 2.78M)

Requesting my darling Ionasal, please! Preferably in one of the following:

+ Home life with SI, so like cooking a meal together, or brushing their teeth together in the morning or other stuff like that. SI ref here: imgur.com/a/s6wR0
+ Height swap with SI, so she's tall and SI is short.
+ Riding in the commander's seat on a Cromwell tank
- Or her cosplaying as any characters off this long list: imgur.com/a/gptSIxp
- Lewd: Micro sling bikini

But of course anything of her, cute, lewd or otherwise, would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Attached: Ionasal Ref v3.1.jpg (3009x3295, 2.05M)

Requesting Zig Forums Snufkin. Thank you!

Attached: snufkin.png (498x698, 157.95K)

Hello, WWD. It's Saturday now.

It's getting warmer here, so I would like to request my cute bird, Shoebill, enjoying a nice, cool cone of "cookies n' cream" flavor ice cream.
I've also included a sailor/nautical-type outfit in the far right of the reference sheet that I think looked nice and would like to see her wear, so I am requesting that as well.

Separately from those ideas, I am joint-requesting with C.C. (), the two of them performing a double Rider Kick, like so: i.imgur.com/fL5Hjzy.jpg

Thank you in advance, if you decide to draw her.

Attached: my cute bird.jpg (2851x1273, 2.35M)

Requesting Morgan:

-Dressed in gothic lolita
-Trying out a whole bunch of weapons and leaving a mess of them around her
-Offering a lap pillow
-Napping on a book after a long study session
-Playing with a cat.

Anything else cute or cutelewd is appreciated as well.

Attached: Morgan Referenceee.jpg (3385x1068, 1.12M)

Requesting a chibi of my husbando. Or wearing oversized clothing. Anything else is fine too. Thank you!

Attached: Yoshii_Akihisa.ref7.png (2200x1510, 3.28M)

Requesting Q, please.
Anything involving her would be greatly appreciated.
If you'd like some suggestions however: files.catbox.moe/g3r4sd.txt

Attached: キュー.jpg (5654x3441, 3.41M)

Requesting waifu in wet a spring dress, waiting out the rain: imgur.com/a/rIm9gc7

More adapted_costume bunnysuits based on her swimsuits or any of her other costumes. Cat ears are okay too

-In her nurse outfit reading the newspaper
-In her pink dress expectantly looking at a plate of donuts
-In her pajama top and panties stretching imgur.com/a/iZdhtwS
-Praying to a shrine of Kodamas from Nioh

Joint requesting with BB and Yuuko () in a two panel comic about them being seen in their spooky faces and their regular faces confused as to why people are running away

Attached: BB I didn't learn a thing.jpg (3993x3714, 3.9M)

Requesting my Popu cooking happily in the kitchen with an apron and casual clothes on, her with an alternate hairstyle, an underboob shot of her while in her school uniform (keep it innocently cute though, you can make the shirt a bit shorter if it's hard to work with normally), SI working at the same restaurant being taught the basics by her or her sitting on a couch with SI's head in her lap as she's petting his head.
SI if needed: files.catbox.moe/yk1khq.png

Draw whatever SFW cute thing you enjoy though, even past requests or simple poses. Have a great weekend and May everyone.

Attached: Popura Collage9.jpg (4363x2396, 3.3M)

Annafag here Slowpoking due to sleep schedules: Thank you so much for drawing such a beautiful drawing of my lovely Anna! God bless and have a nice weekend!

Attached: Anna loli.jpg (1024x576, 40.89K)

Requesting Stocking.
Clothes refs: imgur.com/a/i4NGp/layout/grid

Looking for some hairstyle fun. Try to keep it long, but other than that go nuts.

I'd also like to see her in a tub of candy, like this: i.imgur.com/RrtOkPa.jpg

Or naked with whipped cream, melted chocolate, or cake covering her naughty bits.

Attached: Anarchy Stocking ref (resized).png (1500x1500, 3.26M)

Requesting my beloved goddess Satsuki Kiryuuin. Anything cute/cool of her, please and thank you.

Attached: Gоddess Satsuki.jpg (3340x5848, 3.67M)