ITT characters who are probably autistic

ITT characters who are probably autistic

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! - 09 frog.jpg (1920x1080, 111.4K)

Attached: Capture.png (1617x415, 173.64K)

Attached: Capture.jpg (1642x680, 79.86K)

Attached: 59467qfV_400x400.jpg (400x400, 16.6K)

Attached: m00t chad.jpg (638x960, 285.28K)

Is that purple period blood?

what is this "probably" you speak of?

Attached: you cannot esape me.jpg (1280x720, 62.27K)

That looks nothing like moot

Attached: 1557372830777.jpg (526x459, 124.88K)

>baby is not black

fake and gay

Why is this so uncanny looking

Attached: 4234ae175a8ed264ac9f0ffcb3290fc6.jpg (664x728, 66.95K)

Who is this sex muffin

Attached: vlcsnap-2020-04-26-23h37m48s745.png (1440x1080, 2M)

>characters who are explicitly autistic

Attached: IMG_20200314_182503.jpg (1024x576, 55.87K)

Attached: Violet.png (1920x1090, 1.15M)

Attached: (184x184, 12.49K)

>completely dedicated to being an alien
>hates loud noises

Attached: Mikitaka_eats_a_tissue.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

Dont need to explain this one at all

Attached: 1585084584619.jpg (900x1350, 501.42K)

Attached: 1571472332560.jpg (1440x1080, 159.6K)

+everyone else in that show

Attached: braveLittleFlool.jpg (1389x971, 703.75K)

he was an alien.


Thats what he wants you to believe

Undoubtedly. She is best kyoani girl despite that.

Attached: KININARIMASU.gif (500x281, 653.67K)

Chin too weak to be real moot

Who's this cute girl?

Attached: fukko.jpg (500x281, 24.04K)

she's not autistic she just is very, very passionate

Attached: 1368495702893.jpg (385x555, 248.48K)

her too

Attached: 4dd42beb82a64edba7c51dec3dc5c63c.png (1104x1422, 3.15M)

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