Was she in the wrong?

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Nope. She saved an abandoned child. The child brought her some sort of peace.
She didn't violate the child in anyway.

She only wanted to keep her loli safe. She was the hero all along.

She was a psycho lesbian pedophile killer. How can you possibly think she did nothing wrong?

>how dare you give an abused child love and affection?!
>let's return her to her mentally ill mother
>what could go wrong

>believing there is such a thing as right or wrong.
Nothing is right or wrong; things merely are. “good” and “evil” are constructs made up by lesser minds to justify their actions to themselves.

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There was nothing sexual about their relationship. It was maternal instincts that motivated her.

She did nothing wrong. She only protected herself and a kid she saved from horrendous abusive family.

Would me fucking you in the ass and kissing your mouth not be considered wrong, sataniaposter?

Based intellectual.

>maternal instincts

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You will maybe consider it right and he most likely would consider it wrong. It's a matter of perspective. The act itself is simply "is".

nigga you don't kiss your mom???

Not on the lips and I certainly never took naked baths with her either

That's because you're a man, retard

Don't forget said kiss was after a symbolic wedding. I call yurifags on their so-called "subtext" but this wasn't subtext. It was a twisted love story but still a love story

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Satou was like the only normal person of that city.

I missed this during it's airing. Should I watch it or just read the manga?

She was a horny madwoman thay needed to be treated in a crazy people prison.

I don't think girls do that, user...

Is it even possible to rape auntie

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Can't rape the willing

Watch the show.

I did both, an I am a guy. Are you dumb enuogh to think you'd have been sexually aroused by your own mother at the age of 4?

Indeed, though, depending on who he is, it could be pleasant.

Lesbians are never in the right no matter what.

I love this romantic comedy

This. I much prefer fags because despite being disgusting mentally ill freaks they have some sort of self awareness. Lesbians on the other hand believe they're some sort of holy maidens while in reality they're barely women anymore.

She was wrong in rejecting and resenting Auntie's true love.

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The webm is even better.

The anime and the manga has the same ending. If you can watch the anime first and then read the manga to get some small (but important) details.