Why aren't deviant girls more popular? Are anime viewers so innocent that perverts scare them?

Why aren't deviant girls more popular? Are anime viewers so innocent that perverts scare them?

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1. That's a half-man technically
2. That anime doesn't exist

The target audience for anime has always been japanese incels that holds "purity'' to high regards. Zig Forums being filled with weeaboos adopted that same mentality. That's why the moment a female character isn't being a doormat, they are called ''sluts''. Even though deviant characters are objectively more interesting characters than the millionth moeblob one, the target audience don't want to see them highlighted because it makes them uncomfortable .

could you please use a few more buzzwords? I still managed to understand it.

they're not wrong tho. Otakus don't like sloppy seconds.

>Even though deviant characters are objectively more interesting characters than the millionth moeblob one
lol no

who gives a fuck about them?

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There are heaps of fujo characters, though.
Chicks don't need to be outright whores to be perverts.

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I can only posit that you do as you are in this thread and made that post. yes I do too because I'm replying to you.

Because whores are not as endearing or likeable. Why is that wrong. Why can't you let people like girls who aren't whores

Wow user, you're such an expert...

If girls have the right to be creeped out by pervertive men, then so does men have the right to be creeped out by pervertive girls

If you want to be a slut, I respect that
But I won't touch you because I know that your lack of self-respect and dignity has made you an insufferable company and you also have diseases

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>Because whores are not as endearing or likeable

It doesn't even have to be a whore tho. If even one dick besides the pathetic neet has penetrated her she's basically trash.

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But I like them.

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Make them lolis and the issue solved.

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Why are people so desperate to normalize sleeping around in the 21st century?

Does dumpire have her own anime?

Which dumpire?

From Jitsu wa Watashi wa

More like trying to keep it relevant.
The sexual revolution and hippie revolution led to massive rise in divorce because of the unhealthy sexual lives and bad relationships.
America was healing only very recently.

Sexual revolution happened because of the sheer constraint of the old ways where girls are supposed to be dumb housewives. But I guess extremes of any ideologies is dangerous

they dont exist

Holy shit even for bait standards this sucks. You do know that deviant girls can be pure at the same time. Deviant just means she doesn't follow the rules. Not that she sleeps around.

See I don't want a doormat. I like girls who can be on equal level with me, who don't just act like submissive little faggots. But that doesn't mean they have to be a slut, or even someone with "experience". If I had to choose between a yamato nadeshiko and a damaged goods urbanite, I'd choose neither. Sexual experience doesn't make you strong. A real human mind with human interests does. I want a companion, not a follower or a sex friend.

Pure gir l= submissive follower
How did you come to this conclusion?

Sexual experience with a previous lover is fine. But if she did it with gangbang, I am leaving her on the spot. Huge difference between valuing your dignity and throwing it

Pure girls are naive.
Why you think white is associated with purity and sacredness when it is so easy to stain?

>Pure gir l= submissive follower
I didn't say that. I'm just countering that stupid old argument where people say that you can only want a virgin if you want a girl who is mentally immature or some shit.
>Sexual experience with a previous lover is fine
See, I don't really mind this, and in anime it's actually fine as opposed to the real world, but in anime when you can have a pure girl who is just as interesting of a character anyway, why would you pick the former? There is literally no reason to settle in 2D.

Me. There's nothing more boring than a typical shy moeblob girl that has been done countless times. I'm not one of those losers that self inserts into the MC, so seeing a innocent pure girl lusting over the MC's dick (for no reason) is tiring and doesn't do anything to me. Unfortunately, I'm in the minority and most anime watchers gets off of that trope.

How long have you been on Zig Forums? I mean, I do agree with you that it is a spectrum but the average incel won't care about these details. Galko is still being called a slut here because of the way she looks and dresses despite the anime being about misconstrued stereotypes and explicitly saying she's pure. For a character to be liked by the majority of anime watchers, the female character has to be a submissive moeblob that wants the MC's dick (like Rem for example). It has been the same recipe for years and it still works today.

I've seen you retards come to Zig Forums to whine about anime not appealing to you so many times. Why do you even care so much? There's plenty of anime that appeals to you, you don't get to change the entire medium just because you only get a few shows that pander to outliers like you every year.

I'm just explaining why the types of girls we like are not seen very often in shows. Catering to the majority has always been the best thing to do, so I understand why it is like that.

But if you don't like a girl that's just your problem, I don't watch/read things with characters I hate

I agree. Anime is being held back by insecure men, but on the other hand toxic feminist influence would be worse.
It needs a more middle ground, mature progression.

the only reason to have used goods n 2d is for guys that get off to the idea of their waifu fucking other men there is absolutely no other reason desire this in a fantasy world

it's funny you want to be equal to women because women are intrinsically different beings from you and they most definitely aren't looking for the same things you are in a relationship