

Attached: 1492378990199.png (1459x2048, 1.35M)

Dad told me to not accept candy from strangers.


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I want to poke her exposed bellybutton.

No Poking!

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Kusokai more like. FUck off.

What does it mean when a girl shows her belly button?

That she has a healthy appetite.

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In Kyouko's case, nothing. She just does what she wants wears what she's comfortable in and doesn't care what you or anyone else thinks.

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It means he's not cold easily because he's a rock that carries a human corpse around.
These costumes seem to neglect the primary purpose of clothing, to keep one warm. Might as well just be naked, if one be a rock with no possibility of hypothermia any more.


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I would be happy to eat her pocky. I want to snuggle with her all day long.

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I raise you cat ear kyouko with glasses.

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She's a slut, but doesn't like when you hit on her.

But why does she want to wear that?

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Cause she knows I want to feel up her body with ease.

>Shorts are easy to move in and good for allowing her to move freely when she plays dance games
>hoody keeps her warm when it's cold but is easy to take off if she needs to cool down from playing too many dance games
>belly button easily accessible for optimum cooling while playing dance games
>boots practical for all weather and keep her feet warm all year around

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But she was already wearing that before she met Sayaka and she's the only person she would want to feel her up.

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I see your cat ears Kyouko and raise you a wolf Kyouko.

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She definitely has the most sex appeal. Easygoing, energetic, would probably outlast you in bed.

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Kyouko was so cool in magireco, I'm glad they altered the story to keep her more in character. I can't wait for part two at Fendt Hope with her again. Definitely the member of the quintet that got the best deal in reco.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Magia Record - Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Gaiden - 07 [1080p]-[04.38.236-04.44.452].webm (1920x1080, 2.27M)

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Makes me want to watch MagiReco

It's pretty awful and nowhere near as good as the original, the only thing it does better than the original is there's much less QUALITY. Still worth a watch though, but at the end of the day it's gacha shit story adapted and crammed into an anime so don't expect much.

Well my daddy told me not to be ashamed of our pocky, specially since they're such a good size and all