Violet Evergarden

What would you get Violet for your birthday.

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Build for being hugged

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yeah I love boots

metal polish

Violets of course.

my cock on a plate

You're saying i get to attend Violet's birthday party?

Good question.

Guess I'll try the hat again.

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wrong hat

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No wonder she looks like she doesn't like it.

Technically speaking violet has alexithymia not autism.

A new gun, custom made for her small frame.

Picking a gift for her would be difficult. I want to give her something she appreciates or at least makes her life easier. There's no replacement for Gilbert's brooch so maybe something to eat? I'll give her chocolates.

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Buy her some new ink ribbons, or get her typewriter serviced.

A good show to be in.

You have the wrong hat actually.

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My seed

A good fucking

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Don't NEETify my daughter, please.
I want to remain proud of her.

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You have made literally 5 fucking threads today you spamming autist. Kill yourself.

All me.

Literally who? At least post kino instead of some anime nobody cares about.

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NEETifying is good. I want her to become like me.

Get help you mentally ill schizo.

Fuck off and go make a character thread to spam your shitty Fire Punch image, BRS.

Based FireCHAD. At least you're an entertaining spammer compared to the mental case that made this thread.


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Violet is endearing Kino, Shounen user.

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