
Chapter 3 Part 4
0bin key: CuN-TghcGow9VPg6#pG04DyjauX3e8wetagSOPJh75orYxKDMCPETFJ+wUtz

Attached: main_49997_500x500.jpg (351x500, 57.33K)

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thank you hitori

A most fulfilling part. Thank you for your hard work. Maruyama can still write poignant scenes. Perhaps the ending won't be a total mess.

I dont read the LN but will the gun maid do something cool in the future?

I wonder how many times in this series the fact that undead don't have to eat was stated as some amazing revelation. I feel like over a hundred times.

>Will X do something cool in the future

She already had her time in the spotlight.

It is interesting how Ainz's mouth allows him to experience the texture of foods, but not their taste, and simply drops them through his jaw cavity like an inanimate skeleton's would. It's needlessly unfair to him.

Anyone got the 0bin for part 3?

Many thanks Hitori. Please rest well now


Many thanks user

Good part

It sucks that the series will end in 3 volumes...
Thanks for the new part!

Attached: i just want my friends back.png (1280x1230, 1.33M)

I keep hearing this, where did you get this news?

So which Black scripture people were in that part exactly? There was Clementine's brother, the guy on the right with the axe, the girl on the right with the huge hat and also the assassin but I'm not sure who that was.

Attached: Black_Scripture_(V2).png (875x492, 811.42K)


She's the MVP in vol 13

>c u n t
Fucking based.

>will end in 3 volumes.
Don's really care if is true, but hopefully it ends in a good light unlike GoT.

Based. Thanks.
Rest of the fanfic


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Heyo, me again
> members of Blue Rose present,”
Did the sentence continue, is that comma not on purpose...?
> their unit of heros, the Black Scripture
> The end turned out not to be the end at all,
> But instead, it was a new beginning.
I mean it looks cool that way, but that comma should probably be a full stop
> To seek a perhap nonexistent secondary method

Thank you for the translations. Keep it up!

Good fan content. Overlord doesn't really have a lot of that, for some reason.

I'm reasonably sure the assassin is the guy on the fat left with the completely covered face and green hair.

Most of the fan content (beside fanart) I had the displeasure of running into have been fanfictions about Demiurge fucking random self-inserts

> One might call him an idiot for holding on to such vain hopes, one might also call him a futile loser too
> But to the Ainz of yesteryear, that was all his life had amounted to.
> And now that dream was gradually fading away.

You can always use grep

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Thanks, Azuth is best boi indeed.
I am the same as Lakyus really curious about why did he felt the need to flex with his knowledge and risk provoking the scripture guys. The guy is clearly not an idiot.

It's quite possible that he has a death wish.