Daily GA Chapter

Secret item

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The translation makes it sound like you do each of those things in order, but really it's supposed to be that which one you do says something about your personality.

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Barusan: Anti-insect chemicals. Why was it untranslated? No one knows.

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That's all for today. And a new character, Tomokane. I'm sure no one will ever find that name confusing.

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That's cute, Aaaa san is jealous.
Two Tomokanes is still less confusing than all of the A names in Aria.

Maybe translators thought it was a trademark?

Have you draw today Zig Forums?

It is a brand name. But it's not a good idea to expect readers to know all the brands in Japan.

Professor is reliable and thoughtful.

Scaring Same-chan-sensei is fine but students are not?
Thanks for the chapter, OP. Tomokane and Noda would be a dangerous duo.

Thanks OP

Can't scare off anyone who might join the club.

It's that time again. Hope you studied. Type whatever you want for the name, I didn't know how to get rid of that. Different site this time since the last had a 25 user limit.

If memory serves, the official English release got Sasamoto Sensei's gender wrong a few times in the early chapters, but memory may not be serving well.

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Oh no

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I'm proud of myself, but I'll miss the best girl question

I'm a failure. I should have studied harder.

I was going to put it on the volume 3 test, after we get to know the art club girls and senseis better.

I feel oddly accomplished.

Did president get jealous?
I always find that unfair, when people are allowed to pick on you, but you can't fight back.
Thanks OP. Tomo will always be a girl to me.
9/10, better than last time.

Do we get the stats eventually? That's the most fun part.

I'll post a screenshot of the results again in a few hours. Can't post a link like last time since you can delete results this time.

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1. I don't take the art lessons seriously.
2. Got my identity discovered/

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Seeing how long people took on the test is interesting.

We see you cheating, Noda.

Sorry Kisagari, I hope you like pizza

A tiny fun size Noda land on your arm, what do?