What is Anne's role in the story?

What is Anne's role in the story?

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Reverse trap bait


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We will never know

Araki's attempt to create a sexy young girl but even he realized that he's too much of a homo to commit to that.

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Jolyne and Hermes are sexy

dude got a wife and kid you know

should we tell him guys?

It’s time.

Spicy opinion: Araki's art got worse after part 2

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My dad is a closeted homosexual who keeps vibrating dongs at his office.

Nice. Fapped to a doujin of her raping the orangutan instead.

Sounds fucking amazing.

Part 3 is shit

>he didn't watch the OVA

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based taste wu-tang

sounds disgusting and you should be ashamed.

Araki wanted the bestiality and pedo audience

hmm, araki???

Cum toilet for primates

She was meant to fulfill the same role as Smokey and Poco, the young rascally character who's entire role is to gawk in amazement at the supernatural elements and thus also acts as a grounding element for the group. Araki probably thought that it wasn't working since the main group was now bigger than before and dropped her.

You make it sound easy to sexualize children.

Excuse me but I only likes girls. Don't lump me with these freaks who like disgusting shotacon. Boys are gross.

This is more interesting than the thread, tell us more desu

>vibrating dongs at his office.
Oh, you mean the Marketing Department

Boner fuel

Human fleshlight

You know how every ship captain has a first mate?
She was the crew's mate.
