What would you have responded in this situation?

What would you have responded in this situation?

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No way fag

>"Fucked up that a goblet is a cup and not a tiny goblin"

That’d be gay.

She's cute so why not.

she is a filthy shitposter

but that's the best part

That's the only reason I would date a woman.

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a match made in heaven


I don't have the context to this so with this one page in mind, I'd say yes because anyone who unironically says that feels like they've been raised sorta right.


Too bad the MC is a massive faggot with a terrible, self-centered and obsessive ex.

rape her on the spot

what do you call her hair style?

Sure. Kotoko is a treasure.

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What an ill-mannered faggot.

Why is he such a fag? A girl like her deserves to be spoiled, do japs have some weird fetish for such shit behaviour?

Girls like to be treated like shit


To be fair, his ex was a bombshell.

She was like 16 or 17 here, so it'd be fine if we both were 2D but not as much if it were supposed to represent a 3D situation


Girls like bittersweet relationships not a faggot who refuses them all the time and acts asexual. If you act like this autistic dude you're gonna alienate people around you. There's a line between being a playful asshole and a boring, no fun allowed piece of shit.

She's literally not his type. She's the complete opposite of what he likes, which just so happens to be his cousin whom his former girlfriend shared a lot of qualities with.
He does have his moments though and he does care about her, although he'll almost never show it.

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>She's the complete opposite of what he likes
Then he should leave her and go fuck his cousin or something. Japs should learn that a couple consists of two people but I guess they're fucking socially retarded that's why almost all jap romance feel onesided as fuck.

His cousin is killing people though...

he still fucks her thou.

post her butt