Why do they hate female characters?

Why do they hate female characters?

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They come from a different time when Jump was still purely boy's comics rather than more generic like it has become today.


>waah Oda hates wahmen for making them hot and curvy by starting with circles for bodies
Fuck off and kill yourself, retard.

Why devote space to writing female characters when you can write cool male ones instead?

Because woman suck and they now that

Isn't that an old picture of Shigeru Miyamoto on the right?

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Yes he created Naruto

I never gotten that impression from Oda. I mean, sure he doesn't like to make them fight, but he's done a decent job with most of them. I can't think of One Piece without Nami or to a less extent Robin. They aren't just shallow waifu bait or background characters. Especially Nami, who always seems to steal the spotlight in the arcs she's heavily featured in.

Kishimoto I think is unironically gay for Sasuke. He just liked to bully Sakura because he didn't want his perfect hawk haired boy to end up with a pink piece of shit. Tsunade is about the only female character in Naruto I thought was decent. The rest could just as well have been men and been equally forgettable. Though I appreciate him drawing some absolute semen demons.

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Women are stupid and I don’t respect them.

>Kishimoto I think is unironically gay for Sasuke. He just liked to bully Sakura because he didn't want his perfect hawk haired boy to end up with a pink piece of shit.
That's me, unironically. Also I'd add Chiyo too. Maybe to a much lesser extent Konan and Kushina, though one is a non-character and another one appeared for almost nothing, and both were just centered around a dick too, but not in an annoying way like others.

isn't this just run of the mill japan, especially for the time they were created. But for the time, one piece handle women much better. He'll, it even started with an ugly female villian. The women weren't necessarily combatants but most of the female characters were good pre-time skip.

>jew opinion
Who cares

Oda is nothing comparable to kishimoto.
Nami is one of the best main females in shounen. Oda is actually pretty feminist.
What's with this retarded meme?
Kishimoto makes female characters useless despite giving them high power levels, Oda makes female character important and useful and gives them screen time despite making them physically weak. They are worlds apart. The fact that a female side character that showed up in one arc, long ago, is still a favorite of many and who will likely be relevant again soon is a testament to Oda's writing of female characters. kishimoto on the other hand forgets even the main female characters. Oda is one of the few writers who knows how to write a strong female character without making them an OP Mary Sue.

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>hating female characters
kek, Oda is a simp.

They're still pretty good.

I wish Kaguya was my mommy.

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>Nami is one of the best main females in shounen.
how many shonen have you read? 2?

I've read plenty.
who do you think is better? Makima? be prettey stupid if it was. Though I guess she isn't really the main female.

I fail to think of a woman that is stronger than Tsunade in One Piece. She pulled some crazy feats in the ninja war.

>I fail to think of a woman that is stronger than Tsunade in One Piece. She pulled some crazy feats in the ninja war.

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imagine the teacher calling his name in class lmao

Didn't watch that far but Tsunade seemed lackluster. She was a generic short-tempered female (common in naruto). And in early naruto, they had her going toe to toe with kabuto back when hokage were hyped to be notable strong. The fact Sakura (her mini-me) also turned out shit didn't help.

There's plenty of better written female characters in the current lineup of weekly shonen jump, let alone shonen manga in general.
Other than Makima, whom you've mentioned, while stupidly dismissing even though she's already better written even though her motivations and backstory are a mystery for the most part.
Ever heard of Noelle from Black Clover? Nobara from Jujutsu Kaisen?
Or what about the 2 the female protagonists, Yonagi from Act-Age and Emma from The Promised Neverland?
Perhaps you should also check out female characters outside jump, like in Full Metal Alchemist.
Funny enough, even a fetishist like Hiro Mashima was able to write better female characters in Edens Zero.

Saying something akin to a death battle doesn't really make for a point.

>Nami is one of the best females main in shounen
wtf ? maybe in the first part but after marine ford she became almost nothing other than an eye candy
>kishimoto makes females characters useless despite high power
i agree with that but oda is no different ,Robin has the potential to be one of the strongest characters in the serie but he prefer making her the Velma of the crew
imagine her with armament haki+her devil fruit she would be Op
the only good female characters whom are okay are Vivi and big mom

maybe sounds weird, but makima is actually the main female while also possible last antagonist.
the jump heroine poster, jump festa thing, not to mention she has several paralel scene with firepunch's main female which also not have much screen time at first but gradually become more and more relevant near the end.
that's why makima is kind of breaking wsj's fmc curse

He's not saying the hate women because they draw them hot, retard. He assumes they hate female characters because they just throw them into the story without ever fleshing them out. They only put the bare minimum amount of thought into their personalities, goals, interests, or the role they're supposed to play in the story, meaning their female characters are usually boring af.

In Kishimoto's defense though, he did improve a lot when he created Sarada. Too bad he's not still writing it.

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They are writing shonen. They know that female characters are for fanservice or love interest. At best you can have a sidesick, a villain for an arc but that's it. Why don't you create your own series and your own female characters instead? Are you really that mad because you can't infect the japanese works with anything except pathetic live actions?