Why was she such a bitch?

why was she such a bitch?

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She was a dyke

I would be a bitch too if almost everyone wanted to fuck my digimon too.
I'm not even a furry but damn those thighs

She's genuinely autistic.

Her mother gave birth to her when she was 18 and her father walked out on her.

Combination of her father departing and her mother being a girly girl teen mom and being unable to relate to her.

Official ranking of Digimon girls: So, Digimon threads have consistently had flamewars and shitflinging between different factions arguing about their favourite waifu. This post intends to stop that, by providing an objective ranking of the Digimon main and secondary girls. First of all, I'm not a waifufag, just a fag. I have no horse in this race, I dislike most of the girls. This ranking is based on each individual girl's character development, character consistency, memorability and relevance to the story. How much you or anyone wants to fuck the girl is not a factor.

1. Makino Ruki. Ruki is the best Digimon girl, because she scores high marks in all of the grading categories. While most of her character development is focused in the early episodes of Tamers like the rest of the cast, she does change a lot over the series' course. Executive meddling in the form of Akiyama Ryo cheapened her character slightly, and she's only the second strongest girl on this list, but overall, as a character, she rivals even the boys. She's also an insufferable bitch, but that's not relevant for ranking.

2. Tachikawa Mimi. While Mimi has her strengths over Ruki, she fails considerably in one of the grading parametres, which is the story relevance. If you remove Mimi from Adventure, the story doesn't change at all, and you survive with a bare minimum of edits, and you'd never know she existed. She's also an insufferable bitch, but that's not relevant for ranking.

3. Katou Juri. Clocking it at third spot is the main character's love interest and kind-of end boss from Tamers. Juri's character is well written and she is integral to the story of Tamers. However, she lacks screen time from the early season and her interactions with Leomon are of questionable quality. Specifically her relationship to Digimon in general is bizzarrely established, meaning she loses to the two above. Juri's character is really put through the wringer in Tamers, and you can't help but be sympathetic.

4. Li Shaochung. The last Tamers girl on this list, Shaochung scores high on character consistency, and unfortunately has more character development than the rest on this list as well. She also has moments in the series that give her some relevance, though only on the scale of Mimi. Like juri, she doesn't receive much screen time in the early season, only becoming somewhat relevant two thirds into the series.

5. Takenouchi Sora. Sora is the lead girl from Adventure, but unfortunately that doesn't mean much in a show dominated by boys. Her character is consistent over the course of the series, but in all following materials she is treated like shit. Her development pales in comparison to Mimi's and her issues are not very compelling. She is, however, more important than Mimi to the plot, but that's a low, low bar to clear.

6. Yagami Hikari. There's not much to say about Hikari. She's not so much a character as she is a plot device, and the only character development related to her is Taichi's. Even in 02 or Tri she doesn't get anything. Her two character traits are "attracted to oniichan" and "plot bullshit". She is, however, immensely integral to the best anime arc in all of Digimon anime, and her character traits are consistent over the whole franchise.

7. Fujieda Yoshino. Literally who? Oh, HER! Yeah, I kind of remember her... honestly, I struggle to remember her name and if she did anything in Savers, despite being one of the main cast. At least she's not either of the next two...

8. Orimoto Izumi. The worst treated character in the franchise's history. Izumi's only function is to serve as fap bait and be a damsel in distress for the others. In the group of 6 humans and 3 Digimon, Izumi is the only girl. Her both evolutions, Fairymon and Shutumon, are clearly there to serve up some bikinis for horny Japanese animators. Characters Frontier start far lower as persons than other shows, but even Izumi sees some character development despite the way she's treated.

9. Inoue Miyako. Where Izumi is treated the worst, Miyako is written the worst. Her character, like that of Iori, flip flops all over the place to conform to whatever the current episode needs, meaning her character lacks any kind of consistency. Her story beats are incredibly forced, and it doesn't help she's an insufferable cunt with all the worst traits from both Mimi and Sora. Miyako isn't just the worst girl of the franchise, she's easily the worst CHARACTER of the franchise. Well, apart from...

10. Mochizuki Meiko. Sigh. Where Miyako has the worst traits from both Mimi and Sora, for Meiko they threw in the worst traits from Hikari and Izumi as well. Incredibly one-note, she is a walking fetish-bait plot device literally nobody asked for and nobody wants. She can go die in a fire with her stupid cat. God I fucking hate her.

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Not enough dicking

She needs ryo dick

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She meant no sex organs, since Digimon in Tamers are born from coalesced junk data that evolved over time. Humanshape sexy digimon are essentially barbies.

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just rip a hole in :)

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I just started watching this yesterday. Pretty fun so far.

She has a fine pair of thighs, a mouth, big strong hands and a chest to bury your face into.

no need to remind the lonelyfags :(

>forgets that its canon that ruki's renamon ahs reproductive organ sand the official art made even her breasts show beneath the chest fur, along with taomon's clothes showing her underboobs.

its kinda obvious at this rate.

What episode?

ye i guess you're right about that

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This is pretty much spot on. Excellent work, user. Preserved for posterity.

I guess you never bothered with Xros Wars or Appmon considering the exclusion of their girls from the ranking.

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Hey, even barbies have plastic bumps for tits. But the Digimon were made exclusively to fight, they do not reproduce. Also of interesting note is that in their Ultimate/Mega forms in Tamers they're all humanoid, as a result of merging with their human partners. That's truly the most complex and powerful forms they could take, converting analog information into data and combining them.

Also of interesting note is the Tamers are technically perished upon entering that portal to the Digital World, as their analog bodies were shredded and converted to data, explaining their lack of need to eat and sleep in there, and when bio-emerged back into the analog world their new bodies were formed from false proteins gathered and arranged into the shape their bodies' information presented itself, making them compositionally the same as the Digimon. That's why they could fuse in the real world too.

Thank you! Whenever I complain about a single girl Mimi, I and everyone else tends to lose sight of how bad the girls are in general.

Also, yeah, I haven't seen Xros Wars of Appli Monsters. I'm going to, but I'm watching Digimon with a friend and we're halfway through Frontier right now. His schedule restricts how fast we can go, but I'm pretty sure we'll get through existing Digimon anime before : resumes... :(

Ep 7. I'm suprised how cute the japanese Digimon voices are and the show has a nice sense of "childhood adventure" to it. Also the blu ray release looks friggin crisp

>teen mother
>absent dad
>is a bitch
is very realistic to be fair

>I and everyone else tends to lose sight of how bad the girls are in general.
Digimon is shonen so we do expect the girls to be treated worse than the boys, but it is rather surprising at how few girls in the franchise are actually developed properly.

>Also, yeah, I haven't seen Xros Wars of Appli Monsters. I'm going to, but I'm watching Digimon with a friend and we're halfway through Frontier right now. His schedule restricts how fast we can go, but I'm pretty sure we'll get through existing Digimon anime before : resumes... :(
Xros's girls are a mixed bag, and I can't really comment on Appmon's first hand as I dropped it after 10 episodes. Sad thing is, you're probably right with that second sentence.

>Sad thing is, you're probably right with that second sentence.
Or third sentence even.

best girl

What about THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE Karan Eri-sama?

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Unstable family and likely sexual abuse
give it a couple more years and she'll be "a lesbian" or some other pretend coping mechanism for childhood trauma

Family issues. She gets over them tho.