I fucking miss Toriko bros

I fucking miss Toriko bros.....

Such a shame we will never get a faithful anime

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Have you read HxH? I found Toriko to be very similar to it.

HxH is too pretentious and full of itself, especially the Ant arc and its cringe middle school "we were the bad guys all along" message. Dont get me started on the terrible art and paragraph text speech bubbles. The only good arc was the Hunter exams. Toriko is non stop fun with amazing fights.

Attached: toriko angry.png (807x800, 691K)

Toriko isn't afraid of being low art and doesn't turn into a light novel for the sake of making the reader feel "smart".

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>shonen jump adaptation
>faithful to the violence in the manga
Admittedly I dont really keep a close eye on their newer adaptation.Last I watch was kimetsu.

One of my favorites unironically

Same bro I miss the fun

I wish there was an easy way to get a pass, I'd use it to storytime Toriko here so more people can experience the fun.

Meteor Garlic best arc

what’s the current state of toriko in general?

forgotten by many or most never knew about in the first place.

Toriko is still one of my favorites. I thought Gourmet World was a little too rushed and I hoped for more adventure, but still good.

Reminder that all 4 heavenly kings and higher all have Ultra Instinct, too.

Attached: 0fAvcNT-min.jpg (8100x3600, 3.99M)

HxH is Toriko in virgin form.

thanks to toriko I know how the dark continent would be...

That's not Gourmet Pyramide but pretty good tastes nonetheless

I love Meteor Garlic because the food-matching game against Livebearer is great. But Gourmet Pyramid is fantastic too.

yeah, i ain't reading all this shit and i read novels in my spare time.

I keep waiting for the mangaka to start working on something again but no luck.

Is mangaka still dropping soap in jail or did he get away with it?

>space arc never

He got away with it. He made a oneshot a couple years ago about building houses, and it was kind of weird, but maybe had potential?

Relatively unknown, but remembered fondly.

Toriko was a manga that did absurd power levels right
If you're gonna have power levels and if you're gonna have them reach retardedly high levels, you might as well go full 100% retard
It goes full circle

i think he wanted to build houses IRL. It's why the smiles guys was like his self-insert.

I found the raw "adventure" aspect to be done better in Toriko than in OP and HxH.

It was like Kaiji but with food!

Would rather have the wild areas of the planet be expanded upon first.

It’s a shame we won’t ever have the space arc. Also, I’m sure Shimabukuro had all the other arcs after Pair in mind, but he had to rush it.

>The whole collecting was cut short.
>4 Heavenly Kings besides Toriko due to it lost their big finals.
>Space Arc completely cut.
>Not more on Oni or White Demon.

A shame really it got axed.

They probably told the author to wrap it up in 50-100 chapters since the sales were going down.

Its very much what happened, he clearly still tried best he can to pull it off, but much was lost in the process.


I wish he’d do a gaiden or some sort of sequel in another magazine.

Wanted to see the White Buddha demon going all out...definitely solar system buster.