Vegeta and Sasuke constantly get called out on their bullshit

>Vegeta and Sasuke constantly get called out on their bullshit
>Bakugo doesn’t


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because they have actually good mangakas behind them

kacchan is sugoi

It's almost like HeroAca is written by an absolute hack who's only other work got axed really early on

Sexy blondes get away with murder.

Writer's pet, like all blonde male "protagonists".

Hori either self inserts as Bakugo or has a humiliation fetish.

Hori self-inserts as Deku and has a homosexual obsession with Bakugo. He also has a humiliation and cucking fetish.

bakugou never killed someone

Hori likes Bakugou. He’s probably his self insert, given he’s on record saying one of the possible ends for BnHA is Bakugou receiving OfA from Deku

Maybe because Bakugo is ______________.
>a top student
>a gold medal winning athlete
>a gifted musician
>a great cook
>a blond hottie

Meanwhile, Vegeta and Sasuke are murderers.

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People tend to not make fun of disabled people

So Bakugou is a Mary Sue?

No, speed reader. Bakugou is a prodigy. He also has anger issues that he has to improve on.

Traits of a Mary Sue:
>Loved unconditionally regardless of how they act
>Anyone who actually does dislike them is portrayed as evil or as an idiot
>They're always right and anyone who disagrees with them is always wrong
>Comebacks are always considered clever and witty
>They're Smarter than everyone, faster than anyone and stronger than anyone
>They're the best at anything they do even if they've never tried it before
>They have no flaws and even if they do it's something small and/or insignificant like being clumsy or being too pretty (which, I learned today is actually real)
Any of this sound eerily Bakugou?

He did all that by himself, didn't need anyone to reality check him. It's called character development and the other 2 suck

Yeah, in the first 2 chapters maybe

Bakugo's flaws are not small.

He's literally been like that for 270 chapters
His sole "problem" is being rude.

Are you new to 4 chan?

Doesn't know what a prodigy is.

Like the other guy said , he's a prodigy, but not a Mary Sue

Attached: bakugoat.png (856x520, 367.6K)

He has a fetish for Loud Blond Character + Meek Dark-haired Character pairs

Sweaty, this is 4channel

switch Sasuke and Bakugo and you got it correct

calm down, Deku

who the fuck doesn't call Bakugo out on his bullshit?

I guess maybe Deku (the fucking wuss)

Wait I'm confused do people actually like Bakugo as a character? he reeks of anger issues to the point villains legit thought they had a chance at convincing him to join them.

>entire race and planet is destroyed by your boss
>forced to work under him for 20+ years

>entire family is killed by your older brother, then your older brother beats you up and calls you a faggot

>is a complete asshole for absolutely no reason

Vegetables never got called out on his bullshit though

Bakugou is supposed to be liked because he looks up to All Might and no bad guy looks up to All Might.
The issue with him though is that he's never going to eat humble pie because the narrative will never push Deku as significantly more powerful than Bakugo even when out-of-universe, we know Deku could melt Bakugo in one punch if he felt like it.

Sasuke got called out on his bullshit?
I mean I dropped Naruto after the third rescue Sasuke arc (you know the one after the Pain arc). Maybe they called him out after that? because they certainly never did it before
