Dragon Ball Kai

They had one fucking job.

Attached: gohantheretard.png (1440x610, 612.87K)


Errmmm...maybe they didn't want to be ableist s-m-h!!


>Watching the dub

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Attached: nice.png (600x762, 607.01K)

Why are Americans so offended by the word “retard” I don’t get it. Mentally Handicapped would even understand the definition of the word in media. (I.e Video games, cartoons,anime dub)

>retards ITT watch DBZ subbed

why did the stutter?


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Why are bongs so offended by the word "spastic"?

It's a dub done by an American company to conform to American tastes, user

I could have sworn he said "nice day" in the original dub

That was the original one, this is the 2014 Kai dub.

You retard

I too like my protagonist to sound like a shrill hag

>dub thread
well check this 6

Fuck off newfag.

I don't think Gohan will ever say retard. If anyone will say that, it's Vegeta

>willingly listening to subbed Goku
kill yourself

I'd rather listen to granny Goku than all the shitty wooden acting of the dub.

>Reading shit

Attached: uretard.png (888x667, 1.42M)

I like this version better

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Attached: CJTvBEy.jpg (883x824, 130.04K)

In the Z English dub he does.

Nozawa's Goku is a pleb filter for Japanese DBZ.


I love screaming grandmas playing buff guys.

Someone post her nudes.

t. pablo