/ourguy/ Rook once again delivers the best episode yet. Also, Romin is extra cute and Goha's president starts deleting any trace of Rush Duels from the internet. Ramen boy who knows when

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This episode wasn't as cool as gakuto's.

Kek Rook is fun.

Romin was as hot as ever in this episode.

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Subs when?

Arc-V was such an amazing series. With the highest highs and the lowest lows. But still it was unique. And GX was even better than it!

Fucking pedos

I wonder why long-running series form our childhood are filled with this kind of people. Pokemon, Yugioh, Precure and Digimon

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Where is my episode

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it's not filled with these type of people, it's only this place that has these people.


nobody cares about this jobber, the better question is, where's the master duels and regular cards?

>it's only this place that has these people.
Well, maybe you are right only the fandom in Zig Forums of Pokemon/Digimon/Precure and Yugioh want to fuck little girls. Well, there's also 2ch

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Manchildren that never grew up.

Rei is still the best for me.

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Fucking delicious, SEVENS is bringing us back to the great days of Zexal fanservice

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>where's the master duels and regular cards?
Who fucking cares about that, just play the game lmao

Based, ARC-V II with comfy SoL of Yuya and Yuzu's married life when?

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You think we'll ever get a Battle Royale with the 4 of them? Not having one would be a waste

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>Who fucking cares about that
people who want actual duels and not this baby format shit
>just play the game lmao
not an argument

I want more art of Gakuto in a dress desu

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Yugioh girls mobs are always top tier.

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Yeah I'm trying my best and getting nothing. She's cute though.


I can't either.

Well, the last episode referenced Master Duels so we may get them one day but it will be played with Rush Cards so don't expect much difference. Also, im sure people aren't watching SEVENS because they want Master Duels

Fusion Summon when?

I need the subs now.

In S2 after the tag duel episode maybe, after they get through explaining continuous spells, equip spells, quick play spells, field spells, counter traps, continuous traps, flip monsters etc etc.

set 3.


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more please

Sevens gives me GX, DM and Zexal vibes for some reason

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>im sure people aren't watching SEVENS because they want Master Duels
they want every method to be used so that equals master duels, rush duels won't show all the methods.

To me its Arc-V vibes.

the characters remind me of vrains.

Pretty much why i say people who watch Sevens aren't expecting that


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>still no NAC script

>every method to be used
No they don't want it, no one want to see links and they for sure don't want to see pendulum again.

it's not about expecting that, every new spinoff has to have all the methods in it otherwise people will complain, just look at how pendulum weren't show during vrains.

your biased hatred for certain methods doesn't reflect what the audience wants.

I think people stopped expecting that when Zexal came. ARC-V was a special case because it is an anniversary series

When does this get exciting?

No, you apologize for the ending of the Arc-V manga!

>I think people stopped expecting that when Zexal came
arc v started the trend of wanting all the methods user, it wasn't even a thing during 5ds or zexal.

Shadowverse episode 4 ratings.

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so why did they suddenly like the fourth episode and not the others?

Damn the ratings keep going up every week. It's might catch up to sevens at this rate.