Zig Forums always prattles on about how fucking god damned wonderful old anime is

>Zig Forums always prattles on about how fucking god damned wonderful old anime is
>watch Shakugan no Shana
>it's shit

Feels like I completely fucking god damn wasted my god damn fucking time.

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>shakugan no shana is considered old anime
I feel old.

No, a few faggots prattle on about old anime being good.
Other faggots like to remind them there was a lot of shit back then too.
>Shakugan no Shana
Just because it's older than you doesn't make it old, kiddo.

Season 2 is pretty meh, but otherwise it's the Gesamtkunstwerk to me — it's not super amazing, but it does have pretty much everything.

I also like that they put Syana into a thousand different clothes rather than just giving him one look; trenchcoat is still my favorite though.

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I was born in 1979. When season 1 aired, I was thin, had a full head of hair, my dick still worked, and I believed the day might come where my fucking loser ass would amount to something. That's how god damn old season 1 is.

The only thing you should feel is baited

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Come to think of it, there are almost certainly people who were 25-30 on 2003-2008 Zig Forums. Those people would be anywhere from 37 to 47 now. Holy shit. Some of you guys are old enough to be grandfathers.

Are you that weirdo who made a thread in the past about how Shana really has a penis.

I wouldn't be much of a grandfather, user. I'm just a bald, fat motherfucker with erectile dysfunction that tries to slowly kill himself by drinking every day. I lost the ability to feel any emotions besides blistering hatred about ten years ago. I'm a fucking dinosaur turning 41 in October that should have died in a ditch a long fucking time ago, only to have people carve my face open like a jack-o-lantern and disfigure my corpse so much that Jack the Ripper would be horrified.

I'm surprised you can still compose such a fantastically chuuni sentence at 40.

How does being ugly feel like? I can't relate and I would like the see viewpoint of a real fugly fucker like you. I'm kind of fascinated with your writing to be honest.

I've noticed that every few dozen threads I'm in, there's one guy who refers to female characters as "he/him" with no explanation ever given. Probably the same guy

Quite, that's probably only I. I'm definitely not the only one who uses Japanese-style romanization though; I've seen others use it here.

Probably ESLs like me, my language doesn't have gender pronouns so my brain keep defaulting everyone to him.

I still think the dude above is a closeted tranny or something. I can tell that he's that one guy because he always calls her Syana and uses the images of her looking angry with the black coat claiming that's her boy face or something. I remember him posting about how Shana would be a better character if she didn't knew she was actually a he and Yuuji learned about it later.
There's also the possibility that he deluded himself into thinking that his fanfiction was the actual plot of the show but I'm not confident thats the case. It's a miracle I even remember that much about this.

Come on dude; it would be hilarious if there were one scene where Yuuzi and Syana end up naked and Yuuzi to his shock is like:
>You have a penis??
>Yeah, you too I see.
>I thought you were a girl!?
>I'm not?
>No, you have a penis!
>That means I'm not a girl?
>Yeah, it means you're a boy, like me!
>Oh, okay, I thought having long hair meant you were a girl.

And then it's never mentioned again and Yuuzi doesn't care.
Come on — that would just be hilarious if a scene like that were actually written that establishes that he doesn't understand it at all and maybe Wilhelmina references it later and just says “I just thought it was easier to tell him that since I'm female too...”.

Come on, it would be funny as hell.

So basically the same story except everyone's gay? It would be more popular with women at least.

>got the Shana OPs and EDs
>waste of time

Well, it's not for story purposes; it's just a single hilarious scene to be written and then never referenced again.

I think that in general Syana's nigh feral child nature could be exploited more for comic relief. Like that scene where Syana first asks how new humans are produced and everyone is really uncomfortable and unwilling to explain — and a scene later, he's reading a book about reproduction, with a facial expression that's a mixture of disgust and intrigue.

Idk about funny but it would make my dick hard that's for sure

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There's always Khamsīn.
Syana's feral nature could also have been exploited more for either fan-service, or humor.

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I think six first episodes are pretty good, but it goes downhill when all the high school drama starts out. I can't even remember that much about the show, haven't watched it since it aired. Never got around watching third season, maybe I'll do it sometime.

>Never got around watching third season
What? Why? Its completely pants on head retarded-
If you managed to make it through season 2, you really should watch season 3.
MC goes to the evil side.

Just killing thousands to save millions and get a cool new haircut.

The two should have been naked together more, but not like that.

shana is only worth watching to fap to THAT doujin series

Season 3 is good. It just filters people who don’t understand the setting/metaphysics and can’t keep up with 2+ names for each character.
The first 2 seasons take steaming shits on the novels, what you would call 原作レイプ

The best part about Shana was the music, really

Shana was pretty bad but God it was satisfying to watch the self-righteous flame haze get btfo. Most of the good guys were unlikeable whereas the bad guys had loads of cool people. Except that irritating scientist.

Link please.

The OPs were good and I really liked this track from S3. youtube.com/watch?v=nUHCfPnhVRQ
Any other good stuff?

Your first experience with a butchered series?
The differences between the LN and anime characters mainly for some like MC and Hecate are hilarious

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Not gonna lie third season was a huge disappointment.

>muh Shana bad

What's the point of turning MC into a faggot instead of the madlad he was in the LN?
Why skipped important shit like Eternal song?

Literally the only good season
The other two seasons should have been at least that faithful