My favorite anime and manga are Ichigo Marshmallow

>My favorite anime and manga are Ichigo Marshmallow

What kind of person do you imagine?

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good sense of humor

A cute and funny person.

Fat old man with loads of money.

Good-hearted, possibly depressed.

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An audience whose target is little girls.

As long you recognize that Matsuri is a boring, retarded piece of shit with ugly glasses and consider Nobue a disgusting loser then you're a total bro with good taste.

>loads of money
wish i had

No rudeposters.

Probably some adult male who wants a young virgin wife.
Unfortunately there's a good 50% chance said person is fat and bald.

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Imagine being this much of a soulless creature, never post again.

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Wow, glasses girl is beautiful...

Either a little girl or a sweaty fat man.

Glasses are for ugly losers like Matsuri, i hope she gets raped by that fat bitch Nobue. Garbage deserves garbage.

top right/bottom right

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I'm top right but I still see myself as top left

That sleek n tears dude

Someone like me.

Where's the young college chad with the bishounen face? Shit image.

>Glasses are for ugly losers
>Garbage deserves garbage
Oh, I see how it is now. Projections aren't healthy, user-kun, seek help immediately.

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Miu > Ana > Nobue > Chika > Sasazuka > Satake > Matsuri

Matsuri > Ana > Sasazuka > Miu > Nobue > Chika > Satake

you know deep down he's a pedo but a really good guy regardless

Been reading the manga since grade school and now I'm a fully functioning member of society with good salary

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A handsome introverted lolicon.

I really enjoyed the show but the manga looks like straight up pedo shit

And there is nothing wrong with that.

Just pretend it's a manga for children

Someone who used to like anime and manga in the 00s but eventually grew out it

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It's for children and people who love children