Don't remember 70% of all anime I watched

>don't remember 70% of all anime I watched
Is this normal or is my memory fucked?

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It's normal for our brains to dispose of information. That's why you should track and take notes, otherwise you wont' be able to give non-superficial criticism a few years down the line. Happens all the time. People like/dislike something but lack the ability to articulate why. In most cases they simply happen to be too dumb to do so, but in plenty others the respective individual simply has forgetted the details relevant to a given entry. Very natural, especially when you're a mass consumer.

Save media discussion and analysis.

Track and take notes.


depends on how much youve watched I have watched like 150 and can remember the majority if somebody gives me a picture of them but if I had to list them from memory it would be vv hard

A lot of it is incredibly samey and formulaic.

read manga instead you dumb pig

why do you have to be so rude brother?
this isnt reddit

We must be rude because this isn't reddit.

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No rudeposting on

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You probably watched stuff that bored you

>Having to edit your txt every time you change your mind

Penguindrum is one of my favorite shows, apparently, but I don't remember much of it.

Yeah, that's pretty much what makes animation a hobby. Otherwise you're no more than a mindless consume. Reflecting on your experience, re-evaluating your analysis and personal preferences, reading up on animation techniques and studying a given work, that's how consumption turns into a hobby. If you can't find joy in those, I don't see how you could consider yourself a hobbyist.

Differential diagnosis.

Morbidly obese man in his mid 30s, can't remember Chinese cartoons he watches.

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Patent has told us close to nothing about himself, we need more info to start somewhere.

>Using a Sherman

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But Mr House
Can't we just assume he has weak memory capacity? And isn't watching with enough focus to compensate?

I do that but in my head

No, it's not normal. You remember too much, ideally you should forget something like 85% of what you watch. Let's face it, only something like 10% of all anime are actually good and worth remembering and 5% are dumpster fires which are worth remembering. Everything else is unremarkable at best.

I suggest we search his house. Check everything and everywhere.

>Watching bad anime

I've read Dungeon Meshi not 1 year ago and now I don't remember half of it, even though I enjoyed it a lot.
Now that there are some new volumes out, I will just pretend I remember and keep reading.

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I'd say it depends on how much shit you have seen.

I generally feel like I remember pretty well, but yeah I'll forget finer plot details for stuff I saw a while ago. Like I'll remember what happens but not everything that led up to it.

Generally if I really start thinking about it or re-watch the show it'll come back to me.

Nigger did the whole point of his post fly over your head?

You're memory is fucked but hey you can rewatch shows easily.

Must be a 200IQ genuis since virtually noone else is able to keep track of thoughts that'd fill 20+ pages the second the come up with the idea, let alone remember said thoughts years down the line and for dozens of different entries. But I guess Zig Forums is populated by undicovered genuises. Meanwhile, known genuises only take notes for shits and giggles, not to actually keep a papertrail on their though-process or to revisit ideas. 4channers are too intelligent I suppose.

be thankfull that your brain does it´s job and disposes of trash


If i don't remember it it means i don't actually care, which in turns means i won't feel the need to share my thoughts on it

Atleast you can watch it again. I'm the complete opposite. I remember almost every anime/movie/book/vidya and I'm running out of good shit to consoom

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Don't remember in what way? If you literally remember nothing about it then yes your memory is fucked. If you can't recount every single plot detail then no, it's completely normal. You need to rewatch stuff multiple times to remember everything.

L u p u s

I have been reading the storytimes of Berserk and Blame! that I originally read once ten years ago with bad scans and bad TLs and it's like I never read them before my brain is so free of detail. Even in the fucking Eclipse in Berserk I realized I had forgotten a ton.

When I first started watching anime I could absorb most things but as the years went on I lost that ability and very rarely am I able to really absorb a show anymore. It can happen if it's really good or resonates with me in some way.
But I take this as a sign my taste has refined itself after so many shows that my brain automatically tunes out things.
This does suck sometimes because I'll really want to get into something but my brain just won't retain it.

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This guy knows