One Punch Man

If a monster begged for mercy and forgiveness, would you give it?

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Monsters are meant to be killed.

What killed the hype?

God I want to fuck Sweet Mask.

Only if she wraps those fangs around my PENIS

Can a monster be a hero?
Are the heros just monsters who do good things with their powers?

she participated in the murder of civilian for mercy


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It depends on the monster who's begging. DO-S, for example, definitely doesn't, due to the fact that she was enslaving civilians and, you know, being an ACTUAL Monster (In the common sense, not in the 'member of a race whose name is monster' sense)

On the other hand, if it was some random weak-ass monster who didn't do anything bad then i don't see why.

Of course, it depends on the situation. If i judge that the monster might be playing a withered sprout on me, then off to the grave it goes, but if i judge it's just a below-wolf weakling? There's not really any reason to kill it.

I don't think she actually killed anyone herself or expressed interest in it but being a part of a genocidal organization is just as bad anyway

Give her D

What would the Emperor do, anons?

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Pretending to surrender is against international law. She would've mind controlled more people to try and escape the moment she saw an opportunity.

Read the fucking webcomic and you'd know.

I stopped reading both the webcomic around when garou showed up, is it worth continuing?

Nearly die and become a mummified corpse on a golden throne?

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If she wants mercy she must earn it ԅ(ԅ)

Neverending filler

Only if the monster's a cute boy

If a monster looked like that then I will force her to marry me user

Garou arc is a bit long, but the ending is pretty good. After that there are mostly shorter stuff that are pretty fun in my opinion like Tats vs Saitama.

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Whachoo gonna do about it loyaleest?

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But what if all the nations have fused into one country so international law no longer exists user

if he spared her there could she have been redeemed
or would she have continued to be an evil fuck whenever I wasn't looking?

If it's a non-QT monster begging for its life, I capture it and take it to the science dungeon
If it's a QT monster, I take it to the sex dungeon

Then it would just be called national law

International law only works if all parties agree to it )))

If we're assuming you're as strong as Sweet Mask I doubt she would've tried something stupid

Naruto > this

Does he have a sex dungeon?

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Muratas soul less art filler.

all the filler at this point the original web comic one is better because shit actually happens.

then I guess I'd keep her and hope she could be redeemed