OVA 1 is great

>OVA 1 is great
>Spinoffs are great, Manga, Universe and the movies
>OVA 2 is OK
>OVA 3 is wait what
>OVA 4 is Oh fuck
>OVA 5 is so shit.
What the fuck happened? Why is Tenchi getting worse and worse?

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what the fuck is tenchi?

>OVA 1 is great
It was okay. Never great.

kagashima has full control and cut out all the collaborators that made the 80's and 90's series so great

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Compared to the rest of the OVA universe we got? it was great.

It was okay. The cast behaved too much like caricatures of their OVA versions for my liking, but at least it had Kiyone. And the first movie was great too.

War on greminar was shit.

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The author got caught up in world building and politics too much and 90% of it is in his novels and and doujinshi. The stuff that gets animated is only a fraction of what the fuck is going on in this universe which leaves most fans in the west, lost. I'm waiting for those IF doujinshi to be animated, I wanted to see Tenchi and Seina's kids on screen and having hijinks.

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>Ryoko's face

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Because the author is a big coomer and he writes the plot after every masturbation section and that's why it ends this way.
Also, Universe > OVAs

Ryoko was the best mom and her daughter grew up to be a nerd

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>What the fuck happened?
The 90's came and went.

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Dumping best IF doujin

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Fuck off.

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It's canon.

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I know, that's just what these doujinshi are named. -If-

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Best girl

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If true this is a damn shame. What a waste. I never looked forward to new OVA releases after 4 .

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Last page

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Universe is great thanks to the SOL moments, Kiyone and the more self containted story. I'm really surprised how neat and organized Universe is. Tenchi in Love 1 is great and I love how the final scene of the movie is recreated again but with Tenchi and Ryoko during the ending of Tenchi Forever.

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So I just posted the one I like the most. Should I post the others?
Yea it sucks pretty hard.

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the only legit way to carry on the spirit of the original tenchi is to make your own
the guy who made bakemonogatari was pretty obviously influenced

My actual problem with OVA 3 is that it's boring
My problem with OVA 4 and 5 is that I have no fucking idea what is going on and who half of those people are.

Retarded plot

Best girl and always will be.

You have to watch GXP and read the novels to understand 5 sadly, I hate it.
To each their own