Shingeki no Kyojin

Just how much Ymir liked Bert to run away with him?

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But she ended up getting locked in a room with Reiner, not with Blort

I love her

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Don't worry jeanbo, as long as you've got Mikasa by your side Connie can't lay a finger on you.


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Why would she protect Jean? He is not Eren, nor tangentially related to him

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Because Connie is dangerous

More than the blond midget at least

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Why did this even take off? She had better banter and more screentime with Reiner.

Bert is a lot more popular than Reiner

>That brat..there's something off about him ...

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I never understood why she went with them.
And 30 days between chapters is so long, that happened years ago. I'm completely lost.

I think it had something to do with this scene when her arms are all over him, plus her reaction to Bert's "please find us" speech

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Not much, she was just repaying a debt when she saved BR.

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I'm Annie

I'm glad Historia is pregnant. Bonus points if it's Eren. Extra bonus points if the sex is drawn. Yurifags need to understand that YH never had a chance, even if Dykemir stayed on Paradis instead of fucking off back to Marley to be eaten by Porco.

>Armin see this in memories

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Oh dear EHfag, you couldn't find another poor quality western fanart to start another thread with and decided to use almighty dyke Ymir one?
Good for you, you will show us all now how powerful you became.
I'm laughing now.
There's no more pathetic being than EHfags who can't even bait properly anymore.

>I-I love you

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Can I fuck you?

*spritz spritz*

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Hisu is so lucky

Whose YASS SLAY moment was least obnoxious?

gabrya stark obviously

Hey don't call Isayama's art low quality, he is trying his best

What an unreasonable post, obviously a falseflag

>I never understood why she went with them.
Because Isayama is a retard who didn't know how to kill her off and how to give Jaws back to Marley side needed for future plot, not mentioning basement other world reveal which Ymir knew about but conveniantly didn't tell anyone, even Hisu for years, so his idea was that Ymir out of nowhere felt sad for their cry and dediced to kill herself cause she is the only selfless person in whole SnK world to do so.
And as we see Reiner couldn't protect Hisu anyway seeing her current state.
Brilliant writing of a complete hack.

When EHfag posted the epic bait in OP, I stood up and clapped

These shipthreads fucking sucks, please neck yourselves. Fucking niggers.

You are wrong. The virus is your savior. I am the danger

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No need to get all violent you freakazoid

>no mikasa

Cringe. Feel shame, Mr Connie.

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It will never end, even if manga will end we will have anime then with similiar quality of shipperfag posting.
Only killing EH in actual manga will give us peace to get rid of them cause they will drop the anime.

Curse you Connie, always one step ahead of me. No matter how much I progress, you always seem to surpass me. You were always there, laughing in my face. Why can't you leave me alone?

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Yeah right, I'm including you yuri whales too

But Mankasa doesn't have any YASS SLAY moments and I don't even like that cunt

Which exactly were Historia and Annie's?

Threatening Flegel's dad right after turning a little girl into a lesbian?

The best part is that /u/ is the one always spamming shipping kek