One Piece

Oda skipped so much over comfy Wano, why does he cater so much to fightfags?

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>Panel of the party
>In the background big moms daughters are all around Page 1 with them all drunk and flushed.
>Bonus points: Have Katakuri walking towards them angrily on one side, with Ulti coming from the other.
>Show in a later page for the background Ulti Carrying Pay-Pay away with Katakuri carrying his sisters away.

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which one will appear at the tail end of the Wano arc?

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>tfw no kiku gf

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I cant imagine how comfy and pretty Post Wano celebrations are going to be in the anime.

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>this image kills the wan pisser

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He hasn't though
like the last arc with proper 1v1s was thriller bark

You rang?

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>those smiles
Dare I say, cute?

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Imagine having a woman like Hancock lusting after you...

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>Gol bloodline

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Don't you have a dead manga to not read?

Why Japanese's teen are so horny about Zoro?

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Surprised she wasn't punished for her actions in Marineford war, instead they punished moriah

this looks more like a 'wholesome' moment than a fetish moment

they're gonna have so many kids in the epilogue timeskip

god i wish that were me

I can't wait any longer what's Kaido's son gonna look like.

I hope he doesn't look like any other beast pirate at all because he's totally unlike his dad, but still a fearsome adversary.

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A shy femboy who has Kaido's base strength but hates fighting.


>comfy Wano
You're aware that 90% of the country is a wasteland, right? And that the whole reason they are there is to start a war

i mean satan, if they're going to have their sexual awakening it might as well be over someone like zoro

by the time the get to highschool the will want him to fuck sanji, it's just the natural evolution of things

>that nose
It's not even pointy in the way Porche or the Franky Twins are.
Honestly her face just makes me think of Perospero.

He then falls in love with one of the Big mom children, would make it way funnier.

or he has a big crush on ulti instead


Why does Mihawk hate trans people so damn much? The scene felt very out of character.

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he is from the same generation as shanks

What part of Mihawk's established character made you think he liked trannies


He's doing them a favor, trannies become depressed and kill themselves.

looks like mihawk is about to become the world's strongest swordswoman on the planet

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Luffy is gonna be the one who finds him and befriend him.

Could Shanks lift Yoru?


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gay incest is not ok

Will Luffy fight Balloon as a warm up for Kaido?

Its a fucking sword not Mjolnir

How can Sanji smell like shit?
He is disgusting.

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