It ends now

It ends now

Attached: Screenshot_2020-05-02 Greatest Anime of All Time (1).png (579x1201, 72.49K)

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Insanely pretentious

naruto shippuden

>Knows his favorite will lose if S;G was on the list

What qualifies making this list?


>Toppa Wa Rae

WTF no kill la kill?

this but unironically

Madoka wasn't that good.

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Madoka is LITERALLY the greatest piece of art in mankind history.

he's right though, shit list, it's OP by the way.

Hello to the only fellow big brain ITT who voted for Kino

Madoka is genuinely the most overrated non-Shonen anime of all time

>Toppa wa rae Gunbuster

Attached: 1323321066947.jpg (261x260, 39.51K)

>girls' last tour
>rose of versailles

Attached: s-l400.jpg (400x292, 23.64K)


Name another 12 ep series that is as well crafted

>Girls' Last Tour being an option
>Madoka being an option
>"people" actual voting for madoka
>Toppa wa rae Gunbuster
Thanks for the laugh OP.

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>all that shit
When will the day of the rope for /u/ niggers come?

>no Violet Evergarden

What retard made this list?
And then which retards actually voted for Madoka as the GOAT?

What a moronic poll. Go watch more anime.

After Barafags die

ITT: Stop enjoying things I don't enjoy as much

> 41 votes for Madoka
> 0 Votes for Rose of Versallies
Fucking faggots

This list is a goddamn joke


Why are you fucking idiots voting for Madoka? It's great, but it's just riding on the coattails of better things like Eva.

Eva is not better imo. I don't care who's riding who's coattails, only what connected the most with me personally.

This list is missing Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's, therefore I am afraid I will not be voting

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>Madoka gets a 30 votes lead out of nowhere
>Rose of Versallies suddenly jumps from 0 votes to 30

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