

Attached: dw3wrhwqtfsd.jpg (764x1121, 529.3K)

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>"I will be your present~~"

checked. Kuroko looks 3 months pregnant with a baby dragon.

slutty fat tummy




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Dumb thread. You’re using Mikoto’s birthday as an excuse to shill your dumb preggo edit. I’m out.

She should have punched Touma in the face for insulting her flat chest and just resolved to grow naturally.

I just finished watching S2 of Overlord. It's so much better than the last few seasons of raildex garbage.

If it's so good why did I drop it after a few episodes?

Wait, her boobs are not natural?

Imagine it jiggling when you bounce her up and down like a pogo stick on your pogo dick

Itsuwa will come back, right?

Fat titcow that is badly out of shape and sweats too much.

Attached: 1562253066616.png (1280x720, 785.72K)

She's going to remain a once in 10-20 novel character

Attached: MADKURokobaS.png (567x319, 279.6K)

anyone good at photoshop?

i've stitched together the 10032 image from the pyuma scans yesterday. attached is a sized down version, a larger one is at:

i don't have the skill to edit out the seam

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Toaru x Apocalypse SS!

Attached: 名称未設定+1.jpg (657x459, 188.64K)

Why hasn't Saten won the Toumabowl yet?

Attached: slutten.jpg (1280x720, 218.99K)

Why doesn't Railgun just have sex with her already?

Because Saten is mine

She's running for too many bowls, that slut

how do you think it will be?

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Because she's not into sitcc dwarfs.

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i will not fight you, AR.

Don't slander my wife

Delicious. That user said flaw, though.

Attached: 27.jpg (887x1300, 353.29K)

give me a moment

Attached: KurokoWojak.png (567x319, 229.04K)

They better hide all their important shit if Touma goes there. He's going to somehow trip in a place he really should and bring down the whole fucking system.

Attached: Odin take me now.jpg (374x377, 49.89K)

really shouldn't

i appreciate it mp

She’s too much of a slut and it disgusts him

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That's true.

I didn't really think about it like that.

Die slanderer

Makes sense.

Attached: saten.jpg (640x1080, 319.34K)

Because Saten is the only true bowl.

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Can't. A smart cookie blonde bombshell who banters and ara aras is too sweet of a deal. Too bad about her catching the T virus.

Attached: 58452806_p0.jpg (600x1067, 608.62K)

As in, a slut passes around like a bowl of nachos, or as a bowl where everybody puts their penises?