Has anyone on Zig Forums watched the Karl Marx gook """anime""" sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party?

Has anyone on Zig Forums watched the Karl Marx gook """anime""" sponsored by the Chinese Communist Party?


Seems interesting. Yes, Chinese sounds like shit

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x298, 47.75K)

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Does it show what kind of a unemployed loser he was begging for sheckels all the time from engels?

socialists are always totalitarian, and always blood thirsty, never permit them to rule you

I wonder What the most serious ban is? and what would guarantee receiving it?

I've never understood how chinks manage to transcribe foreign names without kana.

Stupid sexy Marx

iirc they just use characters that sound like the foreign names.

I'll watch it for fun, but it won't change the fact that I consider all communists to be subhuman insects.

does he cultivate?

Chinese sounds fucking awful jesus

>white washing "the Moor"

Yeah, but we need more historical anime. I yet to watch The Rose of Versailles or Chevalier d'Eon, though

I miss the asian coprosperity sphere

Very inspiring ED.

Didn't this get in the news because people started shipping Marx with the other guy so Bilibili had to remove/turn off the comments.

Found it.

My sides

>Karl is a fucking fujoshit chaarcter instead a cute girl

Attached: Stalin chan.jpg (500x375, 46.61K)

>We're literally discussing Chinese girl cartoons on Zig Forums
What a time to be alive!

Attached: 1417300144148.jpg (736x492, 64.13K)

These days cute girls don't get as much money as fujo.

>Chinese sounds like shit
It's not like nip is any better

Attached: mao zendong chan.jpg (500x375, 39.9K)

>fujos ruining Marxism in China

can't make this shit up

nip is kinda dumb, but at least it's not a tonal language

Attached: 1568041456030.jpg (377x396, 43.67K)

would you starve to death for her Zig Forums?

Ore no imouto II SOON!

Attached: qt supreme leaddeerr.jpg (720x689, 31.93K)

Let's be honest: she's kinda ugly. I get the fascination with the secretary-general of Crimea, she's a qt, but this girl... not so much.

a solid answer to this would be great

Communism is a political cover story for advancing personal greed and looking like the good guy.
look at how the ranking communists lived vs. their constituents.

To my knowledge they just pick characters that sound similar. For example, I know that in China countries always have the -guo suffix. So China is Zhonguo or the Land of the Middle. England and France become Yinguo and Faguo, which literally translate to Land of Heroes and Land of Law respectively. Not entirely inappropriate, but not intentional either. It's just the closest they get to pronouncing England and France.

Yes and?


Marx is irrelevant. If you unironically believe his criticisms of capitalism from the 19th century apply to today, you're an idiot.
Capitalism is shitty but it's the best we've got.

Kinda ugly woman still beats all current totalitarian leaders

Attached: 0467df62-e469-47ce-9ddf-44238146633c.jpg (670x1092, 145.25K)

Marx was an idiot.

I'd let her unify my country and get rid of warlords/Opium addicts/ dealers

I think I should delete my posts
Gotten bans over less.

>Market socialism or better yet economic democracy

Explain market socialism or economic democracy? Capitalism is the voluntary exchange of goods and services already.

Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system. The overall numbers for global poverty are less than they were in 1960. Countries with high economic liberalism such as Denmark (often touted as the epitome of European "socialism") have extremely high quality of life and low inequality as measured by Gini.

And the liberalizations in the 80s were beneficial for many, ie: airline tickets being cheaper and being able to homebrew beer. The drop in quality of life is overstated and misleading. As wages from 1970s may have remained fairly stagnant, they are made up for by businesses supporting the worker with benefits. Obviously that is slightly an issue in regards to the US since many of those benefits are standard expectations for other countries, but that's beside the point. All this just makes for a standard case of a standard liberal democracy with social democrat policies (ie: regulated capitalism) would be most beneficial for the poor and middle class. And there are heaps of data to support it.

>it's the best we've got.
It inevitably degrades into fascism and the only reason the working class got any gains is because actual socialist fought (as in actually fought not just threw a few protests at a street corner) for their rights. Delusional social democrats just buy American exceptionalism and steal credit from real socialists.

She's not super pretty, but she really nails that "femdom ice queen" aesthetic.

>Countries with high economic liberalism such as Denmark (often touted as the epitome of European "socialism") have extremely high quality of life and low inequality as measured by Gini.
Denmark is a social democrat country, not socialist.

>It inevitably degrades into fascism
> the only reason the working class got any gains is because actual socialist fought (as in actually fought not just threw a few protests at a street corner) for their rights. Delusional social democrats just buy American exceptionalism and steal credit from real socialists.
Oh nevermind, you are a retard.

Regulated capitalism is delusion. Who do you think owns the politicians? Obviously the capitalists. Capitalism always concentrates the majority of the wealth into the hands of the few, and since money is power, that means the few have all the power. Democracy and capitalism are fundamentally incompatible. In the first place European social democracy is only possible because they leech off imperialism and America providing military support.

Nordic countries have a welfare state that is largely supported by free-market capitalism.

Sweden doesn't even have minimum wage laws.