You hear it, You loose

You hear it, You loose.

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Reminder that Americans don't hear the badass guitar riff when they see this.

Wife's been watching Tri over the last week. Holy shit they always play the full fucking thing. Shit's got to waste like a third of the entire 6 movies' combined runtime

>that guitar riff
I lose. And I don't care.

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Is that a GBA? what does that have to do with anime? fuck off
>>Zig Forums

You should kill yourself for posting this low tier bait.


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did i really lose when i heard the guitar riff?


It's funnier if you pretend to be more innocent about it rather than saying things like "fuck off". I pretend to be retarded quite often, so you can take my word for it.

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poor burgers

Why didn't the burger version have Braveheart in the first place?

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Unforunately I hear it in my native language since I was primarily exposed to Digimon dubbed.


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I want to dominate a Satsuki like woman while a Ryuko like woman watches.

*song starts playing*
>Ich werden Möchte Starker
Iconic as fuck.

And what a milf am I rite guys

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Trigger nailed it completely with the audio in KLK. Outstanding work, even if only a 2.0.