" For example if I told you to kill all of the Japanese " Why did he say it bros?

" For example if I told you to kill all of the Japanese " Why did he say it bros?

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He was saying a fucked up example and didn't realize his geass would activate

Because deep down that's what he wanted. That's also the reason he lost control of his geass at that very moment (just like it happened to Mao and was purposely foreshadowed). Brainlets can't into Code Geeas

Because Code Geass is a bad show with bad writing

This show was fucking epic


Because the plot needed him to

if you didn't cry on the last episode than you're a bitch ass nigga


The author made him say it, shikatanai


because he was giving an example of the absurd things he can force people to do with his geass no matter how out of character

freudian slip

He got too cocky

In the convo Lelouch went through things he could possibly say or do to try and break Euphemia's spirit, so that line coming up is not random. Strategically, Geassing Euphie with "kill at the Japanese" was the best thing to do for the success of Zero, the Black Knights and Japanese liberation. (Remember Diethard's reaction: "I don't know how you did it, but it's better than what we planned!") Geass is like a wish and therefore activated in accordance with Lelouch's heart and secret desire, not his intentions.


Really hated Euphemia

Kinda wanted Suzaku to also fall for CC

I mean but out of all the examples it was just a bit weird even if it didn't activate Euphemia would be like " wtf? ur weird " Is autism to blame?

Come to think of it didn't Lelouch have a waifu of his own?
Shirley or something?

I don't know. I've pretty much forgotten everything about her other than she had orange hair and didn't really do anything important.

It's weird and oddly original because Lelouch thought about giving Euphie that specific command. His heart knew it was the best option for the success of Zero and he wanted to rally support for civil war. The conflict here is that he loves Euphemia and is willing to TRY to abandon Zero, but in the moment of truth, Geass, which reflects the wish of the heart, manifested when he did not want it to. There was no going back for Lelouch at that point and he was naive for trying.

Cringe and bluepilled

This, but also to demonstrate how selfsure Lelouch is while things rapidly spiral out of his control and bring the tragedy of war home for the character and the audience.

I mean Lelouch was literally treating people like pawns in the beginning.

" For example if I told you to kill all of the Irish " Why did he say it bros?

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This. Lelouch actually didn't give a fuck about Japan, he only wanted to destroy Britannia. By agreeing to Euphie's plan, the Black Knights wouldn't need to fight to reestablish Japan's independence and Lelouch would have to give up his dream of destroying Britannia. I'm pretty sure that after the deed Lelouch, subconsciouly, felt really glad that his Geass misfired that way because he could still pursue his objective of destroying Britannia even at the loss of Euphemia.


>I'm pretty sure that after the deed Lelouch, subconsciouly, felt really glad that his Geass misfired that way because he could still pursue his objective of destroying Britannia even at the loss of Euphemia

Did Lelouch even fucking know any elevens other than Suzaku, who he consistently treated as a means to his ends? I'm not sure if he ever genuinely cared about anyone in the entire series other than Nunnally, and very briefly Shirley.

What else was he supposed to say? To suck his cock?


How many of these threads are we going to have? Post the /lit/guy already, this shit thread is still incomplete without him

"For example if I told you to kill all of the Jews" Why did he say it bros?

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He wanted to kill all the Japanese

Didn't have the pic on hand so I dug it up again. It's a good analysis, whether or not the Code Geass writers actually intended it is irrelevant, the themes make sense for the story. Even /lit/ is good once in a while.

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