I live my dream!

>I live my dream!

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I'd like to think Berserk ended at the eclipse.

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And miss the 2 best arcs conviction and millenium falcon?

It did because it jumped the shark hard. Berserk would have been way better if griffin did not become a bitch and guts didnt leave. Instead miura was all like
>WE MONSTERS NOW LMAO lets kill ALL CHARACTERS and turn caska into a retard WOW

>If...guts didn't leave

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alright fine whatever guts can leave, but griffin becoming a bitch was so bad and completely out of character.

It was completely in character you literally spend a whole arc seeing Griffith kill anyone that stands between him and his dream.

>jump the shark
there are multiple chapters forshadowing the eclipse and griffith's downfall, it didnt come out of no where

If all you know is winning & pride, then you’re gonna have a hard time accepting ANY form of loss. Of course a guy like Griffith went out the way he did. He just went on to become a god afterwards anyway.

Brainlet syndrome

I don't know whether to laugh or cry anymore.

Every time I watch/read Berserk and get to the Eclipse I get hyped because of the memes but it horrifies me all the same.

>berserk storytime spawning a whole new generation of griffith dinduposting

>it didnt come out of no where
Especially considering it was a flashback that could only ever end one way.

>way better if griffin did not become a bitch and guts didnt leave
That's like saying the Odyssey would be better if Odysseus just stayed home, or Romeo and Juliet would be better if they just chilled out and didn't drink poison.

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Griffith had spent his childhood dreaming of a better life, and as it turned out, he had a natural charisma and talent. A natural winner in life. Comrades flocked to his side. He was willing to accept loss at first, for example when he prostituted himself to the perverted old nobleman, he was able to accept loss of his own dignity. But as his own followers fell around them he started to develop a sociopathic disregard for their lives, that they were only stepping stones on the path to his dream.

When Guts abandoned him, in his mind he didn't even have a friend left in the world to share his dream with. He completely loses it. So he goes and has sex with the princess with no regard for the consequences because he needs some way to cope, some way to still feel in charge of the situation. It backfires big time.

He doesn't completely lose it until after Wyald exposes his crippled state and the Hawks fall apart, and he doesn't completely give in to his pride until the God Hand makes him the offer he can't refuse.

Literally the entire manga builds up to the Eclipse. From the prologue, you know that Griffith becomes a demon, you know Behelits summon the God Hand, you know about the Apostles. You see Zodd, Skull Knight, the Count, Rosine, Wyald monsters all throughout during the Golden Age arc building up to the Eclipse. You also don't see any of the Hawks besides Guts and Griffith in the prologue, hmm... suspicious.

Jumping the shark is when something goes on and on to the point where its attempts at looking cool turn stale. Berserk doesn't do that(except maybe the hiatus-era magical girl trash)

Getting an user's opinion on Berzerk is the easiest way to tell if they're an ESL spic with zero reading comprehension

Guts had the right to be free, Griff its a weak little faggot.

The real kicker here is Guts and Casca stayed with the Hawks because they cared about Griffith and were loyal to their men, not because they were pawns to his dream.

They survived the eclipse because both of them had released themselves from their promise to give Griffith their lives: Guts freed himself through the duel on the snowy hill, and Casca freed herself when she threw herself off the cliff. It was Guts that saved her life, and their love-making scene was a sign of their union, despite how damaged they both were. Casca belongs to Guts; without that notion, Femto's rape of Casca loses its purpose. They survived the sacrifice because their lives were not Griffth's to give any longer.
The grifftith dindus here don't understand this because they have no reading comprehension and don't understand basic symbolism.

berserk died to me the moment the op loli witch bitch appeared,you can actually see the manga getting worse and worse the more she appears

Based. Boring as fuck from that point on.

Fantasia arc doesn't even feel like the same manga anymore. I miss old school blood and thunder Berserk, now all we get is magical girl academy and Griffith's tax policy

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What's with the weird torture helmet that they put on Griffiths that just coincidentally looked bird-like anyway?

If he's gonna be underground getting his skin flayed off and extremities removed why bother giving him a hat?

Griffith always had a bird helmet, the torturer put it on him just to spite or humiliate him.

So the torturer decided to make an imitation of his battle helmet and put that on him and that was somehow supposed to humiliate him? So, like, cutting out his tongue and severing his muscles and shit? That's just baby stuff. Better make him wear an off-brand version of his favourite hat. That'll REALLY get him.

Unbased and Cringepilled the oly part of berserk that has sucked is fantasia but it will make up for it when th apostles satrt eating the people in falconia.

The torturer probably thought of it as a gimp suit, it probably made the sicko horny

it probably hurts a lot to have that awkward helmet all day when your body keeps getting weaker.

Today is the story time right?

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Today's storytime is in the archives, it has two parts

People like to forget that Golden Age and the Eclipse together are one huge flashback. DESPAIR and STRUGGLE were on the menu from the beginning.

It's a way to set up femtos bird appearance.
He was also just ripping off phantom of paradise, no different than hellraiser or AvED

It was to dehumanize him further

it already happened a few hours ago, tomorrow is volume 14.

You missed it.
>imagine missing the most active threads on Zig Forums in a while