Did it really get axed?

Did it really get axed?

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why the fuck would it?

no, because axe is weaker than sword

It was supposed to be axed at first, that's why the manga is so rushed. Then the sales got better, and when the anime came out it became Jump's most popular manga, but the damage was already done and the pacing means that it likely ended 150 chapters earlier than it would have under normal conditions.

Unfortunately yes, it wasn't selling enough

based weapon triangle chad

>Wani decides to end it
>WSJ: No, let's work something out
>Wani extends the manga for a few chapters by introducing some demon Tanjirou subplot
>Agreements don't go as planned, Wani is unwilling to continue the manga, and ends on their terms
>Ends the Tanjirou subplot and ends the manga with all lose ends taken care of

It didn't overstay its welcome and ended on the note the author wanted. Pretty good. I'd call it a success for all parties involved even if WSJ wanted more.

Fanfic. It was never in trouble. Narutards just can't imagine a story being told in a reasonable time.

Remember the fucking Nausicaa storytime? That shit is only 7 volumes. Now try to imagine whatever shit 500 chapter manga you jerk off to circumscribing a quarter as much story or world.

Too generic, Bleach plagiarism.


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If that was the case, than Black Clover would have been axed a long time ago.

Oda threw a temper tantrum and got it axed

It's getting axed too, did you see the sales?


It’s getting axed

Axed is just the newest hot shitposter meme

w-wait a moment I just guessed

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Cope clovertard

>Too generic, Bleach plagiarism
Yeah makes sense, both manga use swords after all... you're right, lets axe the first manga which surpassed One Piece

Tragic truth

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It’s happening this year or the next.

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>I never said you could fuck with my ratings this long, kisama

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Holy shit, people are dropping it like a hot potato, I thought the timeskip was supposed to boost the sales?

Nope. The author just decided to end it before it became shit and let's be honest if this was extended any longer it would be terrible.
Kishi and Kubo should have done the same same desu.
Oda gets a pass but he should really leave all that worldbuilding and focus on important plot points because One Piece it's really dragging on for no reason other than sales


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Just put it out of its misery.

>Not even a timeskip can save this series
Welp, that proves it, BC is garbage

Best selling manga in japan getting axed lmao

I’m so happy the the world can look at BC and collectively say “It’s shit”.

It had a timeskip?

No, it reached the conclusion of its story so it's ending. It getting axed is just a meme used by faggots coping with its popularity (mostly heroaca fans and one piece fans) (not to say all of them are bad just that they're the ones most likely to shitpost about KnY)

I have a tremendous amount of respect for the mangaka deciding to put the integrity of the story they wanted to tell over raking in a huge amount of additional dosh.


literally a myth retards

no unless you count few month
then even mha had one (they are still in the first year btw)


Yes. Kek the fact that it’s its 5 year anniversary AND it had a timeskip and people still don’t know it exists here in the west and in Japan is hilarious. Just shows how irrelevant it truly is.

>reasonable time
Yeah, you're retarded. You're expected to feel bad for Rengoku, who dies five chapters after his first major appearance, because he has a short flashback while on the verge of death. If this isn't rushed, then I don't know what it is.
The proof that Kimetsu was under pressure by Jump editors is how the author killed off the entire Lower Five. It doesn't make sense from a narrative standpoint to kill off half of the antagonists and skip to the stronger ones. The only explanation is that Kimetsu was in danger of being axed until its sales eventually picked up.

clovertards getting btfo again? Fucking based.

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BC is really that bad, huh? I was thinking about picking it up but there’s no point now if it’s going to get axed in a year.

What killed the hype?

It never had any hype in the first place, nobody, not even twitterfags, ledditers, jewtubers, Zig Forums, or even nips like it.

Has there ever been a series with a steeper decline?

Oh my god, you have the retarded. Slam your head to the wall until you faint,. it's your only hope! be fast! PLEASE!

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Funny how this 'proof' was only regarded as such now that the manga is ending and not beforehand.

Feels good to be an anti-CloverCHAD.

It's actually good user. The beginning is terrible, but after 10 chapters it start getting interesting and never stop. Give it a try if you have time. Also, read the manga, the anime sucks

Me and the other 90% of this board knew this shit was going to get axed back in 2015, now it’s finally happening, after 5 painful years.

Boruto, Soma and Platinum End are the ones that come to my mind.

A manga get axed when it ends. Wow, you sure are intelligent

>It's actually good
If so why are the sales declining? Numbers don’t lie clovertard.
Fuck off

Not an argument. You're probably just traumatised by long running series like Naruto and One Piece, and that's why you can't recognise that Kimetsu was rushed.
I've been pointing this out for ages. The ending announcement was only a few days ago.

I will never get tired of laughing at this.

Not even an anime can save this turd

By this logic One Piece is the best manga ever created.

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