You're on your way to the country club when Akko blocks your path and demands that you return the wealth you stole from...

You're on your way to the country club when Akko blocks your path and demands that you return the wealth you stole from the people. What do you do?

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show her my DSA card

I make a thread on the internet about the happening

Tell her I am the people

Have Holo teach her economics.

Practice wealth redistribution for the wealth she stole from others since I'm a broke nigga.

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Start quoting Ayn Rand and watch her melt.

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holy fucking BASED

Ayn Rand is as retarded as communists.

It occurs to me that this nigga Takarada would be a randian probably. That's hysterical.

melt in laughter as she guffaws at you

He and his family like doing charity work, so no.

Slam her cute lil jap ass with my meaty cock.

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As twofold show of ability and ego flexing. Profound benevolence are not mutually exclusive with these.

Convince her to embrace the Third Position instead.

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Based trigger nigger

HOLY heckin' based

giving to charity is both good advertisement and lessens the proles' desire for government intervention to help them, which are both entirely in line with Rand's ideology

Tell her that the special ed school’s two blocks down.

Ask what the fuck she thinks the molotovs in my hands are for.

I give her my lunch money, again.

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turn around 180 degrees and rape her

Slam my dick into her and convert her to Fascism.

murder her for being a retarded commie

yell "IT'S HEADED RIGHT AT US!", and unload the wealth those guns bought me.

I bitchslap her by quoting basic economic facts and the farcical nature of her ideology.

human morality isnt a slave to economic laws. thats like saying you're going to quote basic facts about the earth's gravity as a reason not to travel to the moon.

no, don’t...

what makes it farcical exactly?

You're not making much sense. Do you mean I should accept wealth redistribution under the pretense that it's the moral thing to do despite accepting it's economically incorrect? Because if so, the morality of the offer collapses when you're not asking for people to do so willingly, but coerce them into submission by using the state's monopoly on force. What is gained morally from replacing one perceived injustice with another?

Tell her that the worker's strike was orchestrated solely as a consequence of two quarreling parties within the bourgeousie and to demand that professor Croix share control over the magic batteries with everyone using them, rather than letting her have a monopoly on them.

>basic economics means workers can be unethically exploited without basically any limit
Retard. A worker's revolution doesn't mean the subsequent formation of a communist state.

>INT 2
now I get why she became a commie