I'm not mad at all, I never was. Everything ended the way it was supposed to

I'm not mad at all, I never was. Everything ended the way it was supposed to.
All I'm saying is, Naruto should've had the chance to have a short term thing with Sakura, look at all the things my nigga did just because she asked him ONCE to knock some sense into emo avenger.

Even if he ended up deciding he didn't like flat chests after all, he deserved it. Fucking Kishimoto.

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Wait how
When does fucking Sasuke end up with Sakura?

Welcome to 2014, retard-kun.

>he deserved it.
No one deserves having to put up with Sakura except Sasuke, and the deadbeat refuses to accept his punishment.

>my nigga
Kill yourself.

Well he liked her, he deserved something, even if it was realizing she was not for him further than "lol remember that one movie where they go to space?"

>Well he liked her
That stopped somewhere around this point.

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He saw she was bullshitting him but that doesn't mean he stopped liking her

Read his words very carefully.

>He got mad for 10 minutes and said something serious for once
>All feelings are nonexistent now!

He stopped caring about Sakura long before that, Sasuke's dick became his object of affection.

Wrong thread


Like you don't still get boners for girls you met in middle school

Not if I became gay, no.

Mental illnesses don't count

>he deserved it
He deserved better, and better is what he got. Imho Sakura could've died to Sasori or something and nothing of value would be lost

>Sakura could've died to Sasori or something and nothing of value would be lost
Do not bully the flat chest

He realized since long ago that he didn't had a chance and moved on. You faggots not getting it makes me wonder if you are real mongs.

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For all we know they could've dated a few weeks or even months after the shit was over. There is no real reason to think otherwise, Naruto only realised Hinatas feelings at that shit last movie after all and that was plenty of time later.

It it doesn't happen on screen/paper, it never happened at all.

It obviously didn't but if it makes him sleep better why not entertain the thought, especially since it really could've been a possibility

The only 2 shonen I care for, Naruto and Bleach, didn't know how to do romance.
Naruto and Hinata needed development within the story, not just a weird movie.
I do prefer Hinata over Sakura, I just wanted some substantive relationship building.
Bleach had some development but chose not to make anything out of it.
I will never be happy about le childhood crush = all the development that is needed.

It really sucks that you only care about shit shonen then. Ever thought of picking up something actually good?

How exactly is having a cute girl that loves you unconditionally a punishment?

I grew up with Naruto so thats why I like it.
Same with Bleach but its art and aesthetic are superb.
I'm not big into shonen in general so I probably won't.
Out of curiosity, what shonen do you think is good?

user has a point


Well excuse me if i didn't saw everything with naruto on the title i just watched the series and none of this was explained

Looks like shit

Putting bleach aside i agree completely homie
Though being honest Hinata did liked Naruto from the get go and in the movie he just "realizes" i also thought it was dumb but uhh that happened to me so lmao

>Everything ended the way it was supposed to.
Fuck that, I'm a Sasukefag and I'll be forever mad Kishi handed him as a prize to fucking Sakura out of all people, who did nothing but cry and whine and be selfish about him.

They also forgot about Sasuke+Sakura or i have to watch another fucking movie?

And thank god for that. The less there is of this abomination of a pairing, the better.

Nah, the anime studio only cares about pairings involving Naruto.

Sakura just stalked Sasuke until he fucked her out of boredom or just to shut her up.

the japanese like to cuck you when it comes to romance. they make you question 'why the fuck didn't they fuck' in most anime. that's why i don't even care anymore, i just don't get attached.

because sakura is fickle and doesn't really love because of self esteem issues. she becomes infatuated and is predatory in her relationships.

Well, it worked for Hinata

NaruSaku was the truth, and now without it we live in a world of lies.

Attached: NaruSaku ages.jpg (800x799, 109.37K)

because we love Himawari!

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Read the post, Hima would've still been a thing

Literally who cares

Who's that girl with Himawari? She's got a better design than all the Boruto kids combined.