Why doesn't she just learn a slightly smaller explosion spell

Why doesn't she just learn a slightly smaller explosion spell

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chokers are sexy

she wants to go all in

someone should tell her to wipe her mouth, what a dumb bitch have some manners

Why is there do many doors
Is this a fucking scooby doo mansion?

.. because that would be less fun

how did she get the exp to learn the strongest explosion spell?

i am very sexually attracted to linus
a father of 3 wearing multiple high school earrings is very sexy to me

I love Megumin the most out of anyone on Zig Forums and I can prove it


lies i love her more

It's a closet retard

Write megumin with a knife in your arm

Crimson Demon school gave XP pots for doing well

she is like frozen orb mage in D2, when you want to reach lvl 30 without wasting levels on shit. but it gets so hard that you have to build melee. until sweet lvl 30.

Well you are a closet faggot, what now?

When you nut in a girl, do you try to go for a little pathetic nut or a massive high-pressure jet that you fantasize will pierce through her flesh killing her and shoots out through her skull?


I want to hold her choker from behind while doing her tight wet girlhole.

The nutter cutter, everytime.

>scooby doo mansion

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What makes girls like Megumin so fucking hot?

They’re not real

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she has autism for large explosion

Didn't even notice this was supposed to be Linus

It's the fucking choker

jailbait with a choker
Literally perfect


she only wants big explosions

chokers are for sluts

>smaller explosion
I don't understand.

Attached: megumin.jpg (1596x914, 780.31K)

it's one door for each black man who is going to fuck her, user.

fuck off third worlder