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fucker just wanted to do his job without all these bitches jumping on his cock, trully tragic haracter and my personal runnerup for favourite
Real question is why the fuck iskandar and golgamesh weren't body swapped.

Sorry to post this Zig Forums but this went through my head the entire time in that scene

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>fuck the cops fuck the rules fuck everything
holy shit
literally me

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Kill yourself



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>Diré whithout meeting her daughter after putting his all into it
>Has to listen to some damaged kid ramble meanwhile sweet death comes to him
I guess Lancer got the last laugh.

They weren't even real moralfags. They were completely okay with murdering each other as long as it was in a more fancy way instead of backstabbing

Remember when Fate was good and not a soulless gacha cashgrab? I remember

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No, not really.

unironic soul
now he's in (you)r chaldea, sucking your micropenis for eternity

I hate FGO so god damn much

You know, before the countless Saber clones and the crossdressing pink faggot?


Even the taking of life, as a human act, must have laws and ideals. That's why we have the Geneva Conventions.

Kill yourself.
I'll join you later for laughing at your post.

Oh god not this shit again

Kiritsugus biggest problem was putting so much faith in the holy grail (Which he had only ever heard about) that he was willing to commit acts of cruelty to get his hands on it as efficiently as possible.
These acts of cruelty turned out to be for nothing because the grail could not grant his wish anyways.
Is this a wrong assessment of what i saw?
Agreed. But it did kinda seem like he didn't acknowledge war crimes in the scene.

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>thinking on terms of wojak
I appreciate the apologize in advance but you should think again about your humor sense

His mentality was that the ends justify the means.

While it was definitely utilitarianism, it wouldn't entirely make sense then, that he was so butthurt when the grail showed him what he had been doing up until now.
Ends justify the means, is a retarded phrase and doesn't describe any moral system accurately.

>Kiritsugu saw the grail as his last hope
>Shirou immediately rejected the grail and has zero interest in it from start to finish

How did the kid end up so different from the parent?

He also wanted to destroy it when he found out it was evil, just like Kiritsugu.

Yeah but Shirou doesn't care if it's good or evil. He doesn't want it. To Shirou, the grail is just a completely unnecessary object at best and outright bad for the world at worst.

I don't think anyone can answer your question.

That is definitely strange.

Pfff, do you anons hear what this guy is saying? The battlefield is hell itself. Just a crime we call victory paid for by the pain of the defeated. The Geneva Conventions prevent people from seeing the evil of bloodshed

It's because Shirou doesn't believe he has any wish he can't achieve with his own hands. An omnipotent wish granter is unnecessary for him.

Human rights and laws of war, are not synonymous with chivalry and honor, but i will agree that kiritsugu kinda seemed like he denounced those first two concepts.

oldest gif on Zig Forums

Kiritsugu basically hates humanity by the start of Fate/Zero. He has no faith in people and gave up on them. That's why he's so desperate for the Holy Grail. He wants to change humanity into something that he's capable of loving.

>I could get world peace easily risk-free super fast or through working out a lot.
>Pick the latter
I get why people hate him now.

Forcibly achieving world peace isn't a good thing. He fundamentally understands that. If anything, if something like that actually happened, the world's pretty much doomed. I think he comprehends that on a subconscious level.

Funny how most of servants repeat same mistakes

Why not? The world would be a much better place if I could rule it with an iron fist.

They can't help it. Servants are kind bound by fate. Even if they deliberately try to avoid it, there's still a very strong likelihood of meeting the same ends that they originally met. Having high Luck actually helps mitigate that.