ITT we post tropes we love

ITT we post tropes we love

>main villain meets the protagonist at their youngest and weakest
>they're so insignificant they're hardly worth paying attention to
>years later the hero becomes a serious threat to that same antagonist

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>MC in romance/romcom isn't a prude and doesn't act like a complete sperg when around women/affection
>bonus points where he doesn't care seeing females naked
its why I liked trinity 7 so much

When the thing go like doom and i be like woahhhhhhhhhh and then it be like boom and yeah my favorite

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>character is below average in every aspect
>except for that one ability in which they're overspecialized which no one can beat at

love this also

>mc gets shit kicked in by the main villain
>side character beats them instead

>villain is winning
>main character is pushed on a corner
>all things look bleak
>suddenly main character lets out a hotblooded scream and triumphant pose
>at that moment, the villain knows they fucked up

The gayest

>protagonist has an edgy berserk/rage mode

I love this trope

>joke character has the saddest backstory

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>hero is losing hard. Hero is absolutely going to get their shit pushed in.
>power of friendship
>every secondary or tertiary character they've ever met comes out of the woodwork to help the hero win
Its gay as fuck. But it gets me going every time despite that.

I love seeing characters in pure terror. Seeing them embrace the incoming death, only to be saved in the last second.

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>the smug rival who gets all the girls in the beginning

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>MC teacher was a friend of main/secondary villain.
Dunno why, but I really like this trope.

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Badass old men with OP powers.

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>Character gets sent into an alternative reality where he has a moment of introspection

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>new villain gets introduced at the start of a new arc
>a bunch of thugs accost him while he's minding his own business
>he tries to talk his way out of it and then brutally murders them when they don't take the hint

>the protagonist is the real villain

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MC and Villain are siblings especially if they are fraternal brother and sister twins

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best example?

Does it happen outside of SNK ?

>villain stops the MC's attack mid-theme song

Death Note?

maybe kinda lelouch for parts of Code Geass R2, and also Gon for killing my wife Pitou

Of course, there are many examples, Houseki no Kuni comes to my mind, as well as many less mainstream manga

>the song also stops

Both snk. Goddamn I miss the yeagerbros

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The star wars prequels


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