
Episode 5

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Glimpse of things to come

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Katarina is amazing in bed.

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Anyone knows what happens in vol 9?

Maria is the self-insert character.

amazing... im amazing

I already summarized the volume.

She's right, you know.

Why the hell did they make it a "one day off" instead of summer holidays? They are planning to skip every other summer event, aren't they?

The novels did state that their summer holidays are shorter than the 2 month vacation, and most of the nobility have their obligations to attend to. I think the other summer break events will just get covered and glossed over all within the next episode

>Me waiting for the next episode

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Only 6 days 16 hours left user, hold on tight

Of course. She exists just for the sake of projecting ourselves into her and fulfill our desire to befriend Katarina.


Is it explained in the novels how come Bakarina didn't seem to know any of Maria's backstory? I'd have thought it'd have to come up in pretty much every route since it's such a big part of why she's as depressed and in need of saving as she is. Do all of the princes in the game just woo the protagonist with bishounen sparkles instead of really understanding her, and it's not actually in the game text at all?

I want to insert myself into Maria.

>every MC in existence out there does something stupid that doesn't make sense
>this is so badly written
>I could have come up with something better
>worst anime ever
>called the police

>Catarina does nothing but stupid things that doesn't make sense for the entire run of the series
>best animu ever

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It was still weird how they supposedly left in incognito from the residence and then went back to their house for no reason. This story clearly was meant for a several-days long holiday.


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Search the archives.

Hot damn look at those tiddies.

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The monkey just plays the game. She's not Acchan, who's completely absorbed the lore of the series. The other thing is that the lore doesn't really go that far in this background.

It looks like the game never gave much detail about how Maria's life outside the romance scenes. These games are all about the romance targets' characters and stories. It's not impossible they never bothered with Maria's backstory, since she's there just to be the player's avatar.

Maria's the designated self-insert MC. Fortune Lover is an otome game, not a KEY visual novel. The level of omission from the game becomes kind of obvious. For example, while Bakarina was comatose due to Raphael's curse on her, she interrupts Acchan over the characters' personalities when they discuss the game without even thinking about it.

My wife

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Mary's tits are so rude. How does she get away with walking around looking like that?

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Are you Maria's real dad?

Go back home, you deadbeat father.

Thank you

>That knowing look.
Maria's dad left because he found out he was married to a lesbian.

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What did Mamaria mean by this face?

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Why is Yamaguchi such a lesbot?

>Maria will grow up into this
>Bakarina will grow up to get a banging body like her mother
>they'll probably be dykes for each other


I remember some anons noted that Maria's bust is too big for otome MC days back. There's a few otoge with MCs that big so no biggie.

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Did she have an affair with a noble? Isn't light magic itself extremely rare even among nobility?

>I see, daughter of mine, you are into nobility as well

Keep Keith, G Man and Maria as the Bakarina harem

Make the others fall in love with other characters like Sophia with Alan and Nicol with Mary

Sophie should get a new dress.

I don't get the impression that it was that far away. The light novels did state that Maria's home town's not far away from the capital at that. Refer to chapter 3, volume 2 on this

No, at least in the novel you see her internal monologues in the scene and while the rumor was rampant she never betrayed her husband.

Did they really, well, I was never in their camp anyway?