I can't think of something more overrated than One Piece and Hunter x Hunter...

I can't think of something more overrated than One Piece and Hunter x Hunter. How these things are still running for over 2 decades?

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Money. Show prints money. /thread

Let's be honest, you only think it's overrated because it's popular

hunter x hunter yes, one piece no

YYH is super popular too and is good. This is Togashi's real magnum opus.

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>How these things are still running for over 2 decades?
well, technically with the amount of chapters, Hunter x Hunter is closer to 7 - 8 years

>still running

Hunter x Hunter isn't still running, though

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>seething Kimetsufag because his manga got axed

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>YYH is super popular

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>YYH is super popular
holy lel

t. 17 years old

YYH is just HxH with worse pacing and more uninteresting characters people pretend to like because it's old.

lol YYH has never to do with HxH. Go suck a horse, son.

So is HxH or OP more overrated?

Whether its overrated or not is highly dependent on how popular it is you fucking tard

>old good
>new bad
every time with you retards

this is how retarded nostalgia faggots are

HxH is old too, retardado underage. Being old doesnt make it good tho.

One Piece is Dragon Ball on a boat
hell it's probably a better successor to DB than it's sequels, and since it's all about circumnavigating the entire world it kinda justifies the chapters.

as for HxH, Togashi is mooching off his wife's sailor moon money so he only updates once in a blue moon. It's only really had 4-5 arcs so far.

i like hxh a lot

HXH is going on a light stroll with breaks
One Piece is going on a walk

Well, I don't really know if you can call...whatever the hell situation HxH is in "still running"

Objectively HxH though One Piece might be overappreciated.


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I'd call it a "hiatus" but I feel like it left the time frame of being considered on hiatus anymore.
I don't really want to use the word "abandoned" but we're certainly getting close.

>Hunter x Hunter
>still running

>I can't think of something more overrated than One Piece and Hunter x Hunter.

One piece is fun.

Hunter x hunter readers love grasping the pseudo-intellectualism Togashi lazily shits out once a year.

Dude's just out of ideas, that's why he refuses to write but also won't say it's finished.

>One piece is fun.
Shit is barely readable nowadays.
Once in a blue moon I check out a One Piece chapter and my eyeballs are bombarded by too much shit on screen.

>once a year
If only.

Well he's lazy as shit and loves playing DQ too much.

>once a year
you wish

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