I just rewatched Madoka, and I still don't get why you guys keep praising Madoka...

I just rewatched Madoka, and I still don't get why you guys keep praising Madoka? Is this just some sort of an ironic meme? It's a mediocre Urobutcher work that offers nothing much of value besides the music and visuals.
>Muh Faust
>Muh little girls suffering and being victimised
>Muh cheap reset ending
If this is all it takes for you guys to call something a masterpiece, then your standards are relatively low.

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Ume’s designs and Shinbo’s direction are the real reason anyone gives a shit about Meduka.

It's mostly one insane spammer who's apparently being doing it for years. The faggot who's always spamming Anime of the Decade threads. Madoka is a show with great story and bad visuals. It's just above average but nothing particularly special.

Imagine waking up to this

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>Shinbo’s direction
Really? He's directed a lot of bottom of the barrel shit like Denpa Onna

Agreed, except that Kyubey is really cool can be added at as well. I don't think such a character was done before.

But what you miss is that it's a “Magical Girl” series, which is usually trash wish fulfillment, so expectations are low, and by making the first grounded, grimdark M.G. series, that makes it genius or something.

I choose to see it in reverse; it's a mediocre grimdark series with stunning visuals and sound, a really interesting villain, too many plot holes, that just happens to have it's heroes walk around it absurd tutus — and the last adds nothing to it.

I just think InuCurry's monster designs are really cool.

>he just looked up the name of the CD and now he pretends to be an expert
What the fuck? Madoka is her only decent design, Hidamari Sketch is ugly as fuck. Stop talking shit about which you know nothing.

>Hidamari Sketch is ugly as fuck.
Not everyone is a blind retard with shit taste.

I was an austist underage when I liked madoka and now I cant think about it without getting horrible memories of that time.
i traumatized someone with shitty deviantart tier fanart

Fuck you nigger, Ume’s designs are cute as hell.

I agree but it's too bad the overall production is a joke. It's got below average production values, consistency etc.. Looks like cheap garbage with it's sterile 3dcg backgrounds and QUALITY all over the place. It's like they don't even care or want to try to produce something professional.

The characters manage to play their arctypes very well and the pacing and buildup of the show is sublime

i should clarify that i did not draw it

Cut your own head off you subhuman.

I genuinely can't remember a day with no Madoka threads
It and Evangelion are genuinely on a completely different level

Sad but true.

no matter what anyone in this thread thinks, madoka is regarded as one of the best anime around. keep seething about it though, i'm sure people will change their minds

I never got how people have any respect for Urobutcher. The dude combines edge, misery, basic bitch literature and other hack tropes to make laughable shit. He is the essential teenage, pseudo-individual hack. I have no respect for such a talentless creator.

It's overrated as fuck. Ever since it topped plebbits anime of the decade poll the mal score has been plummeting.

>posters 11
>replies 19
He is here!

lmaoing at you right now

The entire show falls apart on a rewatch. When you see all the surprises and twists coming, the flaws of the show become much more obvious.

Sayaka and her arc are the only good things about this shit.

So are trash like Uchuu Senkan Yamato, 0079, Horus, Kimi no nawa, Nausicaa, Laputa, Astro Boy and Hakujaden.

Not doing much better there yourself buddy also I don't give a flying fuck about what people think.

Indeed. It's accompanied by masterpieces like Kumo to Tulip, Astro Boy, Voices of a Distant Star, Ideon, Gundam and many more.

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>Astro Boy
Fuck you anime hater, don't insult my childhood. Also Tetsuwan Atom was one of the things that helped the pioneer the legendary anime style. Anime characters wouldn't have their large eyes or stylized limited animation which allowed for new possibilities without it.

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>It's a mediocre Urobutcher work that offers nothing much of value besides the music and visuals.
Sounds like you haven't seen shit. Madoka is a genre piece, it offers quite a lot of commentary.

>Muh cheap reset ending
Based retard.

>If this is all it takes for you guys to call something a masterpiece, then your standards are relatively low.
This is Zig Forums you're talking about, Madoka is one of the better shows they prop up, yet it's still better than most other anime communities.

you do care, thats why you go to reddit and mal. keep coping and "not caring" though

>watching it now
>not in 2011
You kinda had to be there.

VoaDS is fucking amazing, but I wouldn't pretend it's the greatest of all time.

How did an anime that's 75% off model quality get so good?

>Hidamari Sketch is ugly as fuck.
Get the hell out of my board you shit-taste cockroach.

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