Kaguya anime

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147cm out of normal height

Kaguya just keeps falling down the list of girls in her own show

Ishigami is based

Miiko Iino needs a good dicking from me

The only thing that matters is that Рrez likes her because his mom wiрed the floor with him several years ago so he seeks a woman who'd use him as a doormat till the end of his miserable life.
Kaguya is just a рerfect candidate.

Chika a best. A BEST.

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>147 cm

I like Villain Рrez more than the regular one.

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2 chads

Miko Lino a SHIT

2 cm higher than Historia Reiss when she was ?ino's age.

Prez should just marry Hayasaka desu
They're both been doormat scum to Kaguya

Why can't Miko Lino love?

Are they Virgin Chads of Chad Virgins?


They are nothing alike.

Hayasaka a BEST

Hmm, I wonder if it'd go this way:
>Shiromama returns
>Рrez faces her, overcomes his insecurities
>Realizes that Kaguya a shit
>Goes to Stanford with Hayasaka and Fujiwara in tow

They are the Chaddiest

I doubt Aka could be that based; he's waifu'd his own creation Kaguya, which is the lowest of the low for a mangaka

>First Section: Kaguya wants to be cucked
What a bold title

i like how they introduced two new love interests in the same episode.

>two new love interests
For Ishigami.

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Can't wait for the school festival arc so faggots like yourself can finally drop the anime


The Hayasaka scenes were fucking god tier.

Did Hayasaka actually fall in love with the chadprez in a single day or was that just her nature of always wanting to be right?

No doubt that Shirogane's mommy issues will be addressed, but ntrfaggots like you truly are the bane of these threads

Not a mangafag, but I thought it was pretty apparent that she was just humiliated at being turned down, and annoyed at Kaguya for pushing her in the first place. Shirogane did nothing she hadn't seen before, and the person he was being nice to had zero relation to who she actually is
In conclusion, Hayasaka is for Ishigamis chad incel cock

>whoa both these scenes use golden hour lighting and common shot compositions

>her nature of always wanting to be right?
It's implied as such. Hayasaka is actually really inexperienced in love matters and felt belittled by Kaguya's words. She feels more and more belittled later on, when Kaguya's relationship with Prez evolves and she tells her about their first and second kisses.

Always wanted to try a hand in one of these

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She's just really convincing on her acting.

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What about falling school stuff?

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I fucking hate the fact that they draw out the manga as far as possible with the end being obvious but I do agree that ishigami need his own arc. But why the fuck does it need to introduce so many characters AND a bullshit love triangle for the MC?

It is clear that subdued hayasaka is probably the most real hayasaka, and that what she said about beauty last season is REALLY, REALLY how she feels.